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How are you doing my beautiful people?

I am NOT happy with last week... at all. Life got it the way as it does from time to time, I ended up with nothing to show for and all I can do is beg for you forgiveness.

1rst, my shoulder been acting up all week... It's started a few months ago actually. I woke up with the space between my shoulder blades super stiff and painful. Like a twisted neck but for my whole upper back.

It as been slowly getting back to normal, ever since. In fact the left shoulder, is 100% back to normal but I can still feel it under the right one, and it's been "flaring up" this week. Making it difficult to sleep. So I am always tired and, with the constant way I got to hold my arm up, drawing isn't painless either.

2nd, Mother's day is tomorrow. I love her, but it takes a full day of my schedule... she also wanted to meet last Tuesday for shopping... She knows I hate shopping and don't have summer clothes so she took me out to buy shorts and shirts. I can't complain.

I've been talking about her a lot for the last year or so. The lost of my dad (2 years ago now ) and my brother suicide ( 26 years ago... yeah I'm old ) make her my last living family member so, we tend to hold on tightly. Also, I've became quite a shut in since the pandemic, and she's one of the very few people I'm happy to see IRL these days.

3rd, for the first time in my career I accepted to do an interview (I've refused a good numbers over the years). One of my friend is doing a new show on twitch about visual art and wanted to interview my on my process. Funny, I'm use to be on a stage, but not as myself so I was ridiculously nervous. The interview itself was chill, but I was fidgeting the whole time, going in tangent. Having watched it, I can see ALL of my neuro-divergent traits right there on the screen. I even had a major panic attack the next night, thinking about how I would come out as a fraud, a tracer, a degenerate... FULL ON PANIC MODE!!!

Thankfully, my friend reassured me. He even sent me both version to watch, un prompted,  so I could see how much of a big deal I was making over nothing. I am grateful to him... Especially since he was in the middle of filming another show.

So, as you can imagine, between chores, mother's day, no rest, constant pain and fits of panics... I didn't draw all that much last week. The linework as been done on the commission, but that's it.

Again, sincerely, I am sorry!
I'll try to do better this week.




That is quite a week! While I can't speak for everyone, I don't think you need to feel guilty for having a busy life. You are a person not a machine. Sometimes life gets in the way of getting some things done. It happens. In my opinion every piece of art you create is a gift and you are generous for sharing your art and your experiences with us. So thank you and I wish you luck with the next week ahead. I hope it's a happy adventure.


c'est ok, on atous des semaines moins productives que d'autres. Perso moi aussi j'ai pas ete tres tres actifs ces jours ci Ca doit etre de saison X)


Please take care of yourself first. I hope this week is much better for you and enjoy Mother's Day with you mom today.


Yes, all these are personal things in everyone's life, this is normal, don't worry, everything is understandable. Take care of yourself and your shoulder, and also wish your mom a happy mother's day

mr gdf

Take Care of yourself I Hope your shoulder will heal fast

Mark B

A busy week! It's important to take care of yourself and timeout when needed. Balance. Would be interested in watching the interview if you're able to share?