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Good day my beautiful people.

I had, again, a great week. And even if I was a day late, I still managed to deliver on both pages, which mean... WE ARE DONE with this issue!

Today I'll be working on the translation and the usual 3 pdfs versions. I usually alow myself two days for theses.

The translation isn't what takes the most time. It's the time my computer takes each time I need to compress a page into a PNG that does :P my files are huge when it come to comics and I have a lot of theses.

That said, I already started, and I doubt it will take me more than a day.

So... I guess I'll be working on pinups this week. Any idea? Been a while since I drew a nice lesbian couple. I can't start on anything big since I'm gotta keep my schedule open for Tracy's book. I know she's having a rough time lately. She might be a bit late for her production, and I won't be the one adding to her problems. I said I'd be free for her in December, and I am ready ^^

That said, I do have a script in mind for the next issue that I gotta write down before I forget it.

That's it for now.
See you guys soon!



Why not Red Sonja and a grown up version of princess Jehnna from the second Conan movie?


How about Megan Reed doing some 'custom work' on Yelena Fedorova. I've always loved their looks. https://deusex.fandom.com/wiki/Megan_Reed https://deusex.fandom.com/wiki/Yelena_Fedorova


Ideas for the pin up: red sonja and vampirella, lady death and hellwitch


X-men official lesbians Mystique and Destiny. Psylocke and Cluster. Captain Britain and Rachel Summers, Mercury and Loa, Mercury and Bling!, Magik and a random female Shi'ar warbird(for Reference New Mutants #5(2019)), Karma and Galura. Unofficial Rahne and Dani Moonstar, Boom Boom and Jubilee, Storm and Calisto, Kitty Pryde and Magik, Strom and Emma Frost, Jean Grey and Strom. Or a three way with Storm, Jean Grey and Emma Frost.


Tempo and Boom Boom, Tempo and Xandra, Marrow and Tempo, Marrow and Feral, Laura and Jubilee, Laura and Kitty Pryde, Selene and Magma, Siyrn and Polaris, Spiral and Captain Britain or Kwannon, Peach Momoko's Pyslocke and Mystique, Frenzy and Rogue, Frenzy dominating Abigale Brand, Frenzy and Danger.


That's an interesting idea... but I barely recall either movie. I'll have to rewatch those first


Thank you Alx! Stay safe, strong & sound!


Congrats on good progress!) And I think the idea with pinups is not bad. I hope you figure out what to draw


I am and will never lie about it, but I seconded a "Megan Reed doing some 'custom work' on Yelena Fedorova" or Female V with Lucy/Judy/Panam. Or Fem Sheppard and Jack(Mass Effect), Lady Death and Angela, Michonne and Maggie, Artemis and Yara(DC), Freya(God of War) and Fury(Darkriders 3), Velvet and Magilou(Tales of Beseria), and/or Mordred and Quetzalcoatl(Fate Series).