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How are you doing my beautiful people?

First, I need to apologies for last week. It started great, but the second half of the week went in the shitter quickly and I never managed to deliver a second page. I haven't even started it yet.

Some scammers keep calling me while I was sleeping. It's a weird one. I think they have a list of address and names and a list of phone numbers and they are trying to associate both. Anyway, at first I though it was a genuine mistake from a selling company, but on the second day, I realised what was going on and just blocked them. I can see that they are still calling once or twice a day ever since.

On the third day, it was my hospital calling... And of course every time it triggered my insomnia and fuck of my schedule in such a way, I was just dead tired all day and couldn't draw for shit. I ended up giving up.

Had a relaxing weekend tho. Started to read Witchblade (1995). I was always curious about this and the Darkness. It is better then what I remember of the other title I read back in the 90. Way better than what the cheese cake of the covers suggests in any case. Although there are some confusing moment of bad guys seemingly changing minds midways through a storylines only to go back and forth with his allegiance and motivation. Right now I'm on Wtchblade, but I can't wait to try The Darkness. I still remember looking at the first cover in awe. But at the time, I was a young college guy, living in a small town so far away the closet bus was in the next town with an alcoholic father. I made a little money cutting grass for the neighbors and had a small allocation for my lunches. I didn't have the money to follow a comic title. Just getting to the store was a 2h hike+buss ride. Ok, I'll stop now, I make it sound so much more worst than it was :P ( especially my dad... Sorry Dad, I know you tried )

So... This week.

Tuesday, I'll probably have to end early, I need to get my mom to the hospital for some test where she'll be under heavy sedation, so she'll need a driver. And since I'm scheduled to pass the same test in 3 weeks, it's a qui pro quo.

I'll still aim for two pages. It's a good delivery rate that feel both satisfying and reasonable.

We still have 5 pages and a cover to get through and complete before December, so I have a bit of buffer there. Which is good.

All right.
That's it for now.
See you guys soon!


Mark B

Thanks for the update, hope the tests go well for you both.

marc ou olivier

No need to apologize, health comes first. We can wait.


Take all the time you need, no rush at all.


Hope everything works out for you soon! Do not worry! Thanks for the sincere story about your youth, it was interesting! Best wishes to your mom and you!


I read a bit of The Darkness back in the day, but I didn't stick with it. Good visuals though. Neither it nor Witchblade seem like something you would click with though. Too much body horror.


Take as much time as you need, because our health is above all else! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!