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How are you doing my beautiful people?

I feel pretty great actually.
I've been fasting a little, and it's doing me wonders. Although, with my diabetes, I gotta pay attention to everything. So far, both my Glucose level as well as my Ketones are perfectly on target.

My schedule is a bit weird lately, I'm on a night shift, but that is ok. Work as been going great, so I won't be fighting it this time around. So tired of fighting against myself :P

This week

I'll first work on commission #3 and than I'll move to page 17. I'm finally seeing the end of this issue. It has been taking a lot out of me, but I am quite happy with the result. It's weird how some issue are so much tasking to draw than other. It's not like I didn't like my story or was uninterested. I still can't figure out what was so hard for this one.

That is it for now.
See you guys soon!



Even if you are starting feel okay, please make sure to get some more rest as you are still just barely recovering. Even though if's inevitable, if you are able to, please don't overwork or exhaust yourself too often, even if it doesn't strain you physically, I don't want you to strain yourself mentally either and exhaust your passion for your artwork. I would rather you rest up and not get to see your new artwork for a while than you overwork yourself and never see new artwork from you again.

Reybacca (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 13:54:51 Stay strong Alx! <3
2021-04-21 00:33:02 Stay strong Alx! <3

Stay strong Alx! <3