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Hey guys. Just a quick update since it’s Monday, even if I’m still unable to work.

1 - I got the new computer… it has a few issues like the Bluetooth that keep disconnecting, and the fact that one of my hard drive didn’t survive the switch, but it is fast and silent. What is a lot more worrying is that the mains screen ports, the ones on the mother board, aren’t working, like at all. Thankfully there is more than enough ports directly on my graphics card, and the new Wacom is suppose too have an HDMI port so everything should go fine, but I got to admit that, with my luck, I’m kindda nervous.

2 - Speaking of luck and the Wacom… I got the email telling me it was on the way earlier than expected, so again, with a bit of luck I might be back faster than we think ^^

3 - And finally, while I have yet to write it down, I think I got a good ideas on how to close the current comic.

So, there it is!
You guys know everything.
See you guys soon!



I became a patron to you only yesterday to see and support your work, as well as wait and see when commissions open up again. Sad to see that you'd been having issues, but happy to see things starting to improve.


I can't wait! <3 Take good care of everything Alx. <3