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I’m still waiting for my new PC… meanwhile I had to unplug the Wacom which by now is just constantly glitching and basically unusable. I did a couple of test on my old PC yesterday and my secondary screen, and yeah… the problem is definitely with my Wacom…

So I ordered a new one last night. I didn’t go for the most expensive model, but went for another 22 inch, which was a lot more affordable and is the format I am used to. It will be an improvement none the less.

The bad news is: It should get here around the February 8th… so until then, I can’t work.

I’ll be writhing down the revised script for Wookie Sex 4, but I don’t see what else I can do.

I’ll wait after tax season, but I might try to have the old one fixed later… and maybe, give it to an emerging artist or something... or keep it incase something happen to the new one.

So that’s it until then.
Sorry about all that, it is out of my control. I know January has been a very poor showing from my part, I'll do my best to make it up to you starting in febuary. Plus, I gotta admit that I’m pretty excited about the new gear :P

See you guys soon!


Supreme Overlord Llama

You're just having a fine old time aren't you..... All good, stuff likes this happens, lets hope for a better February :)


You should just do what I did, run out to walmart. Spend 100$ on what ever visio TV you can get and use that. As long as it's a 1080 TV I found that it doesn't give any problems. (Been using a 43 inch 720 for a while, plan on swapping it to my 55inch 1080 once I get moved out of my trailer home and into something that doesn't make me fear for my life.).


my wacom is not just a screen... it's a graphics tablet. I use it to draw


LOL after you said that, I looked it up. And sure enough they were not what I thought they were.... I just thought Wacom was a specific brand of monitors. :P Those look pretty cool, makes me wish I had some kind of artistic talent.