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Here it its boys and girls!

This is my new latest book, in its collected PDFs version.
That was a really fun one where page after page the story seemed to string me alone and constantly surprised me.

Thank you everyone for making this possible.

Original English Version 

Silent Version 

Version Française 

PS: If the PDF close on you after 10-15 minutes… this is not a problem with the file but an issue with Acrobat Reader. May I suggest that you change for a free reader like Foxit. I had to do this myself.

PPS: For my next book, we will be back in the Star Wars universe, although I have a few things to do before that.




Thank you so much Alx! <3 Yesssss, i can't wait for Wookie Sex 4, i'm hyped & ready! <3


Thank you for giving us something new.