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How are you doing beautiful people?
I ain’t bad at all. A bit tired ( it is EXTREMLY hot around her, so sleep has been light lately ) but overall, pretty good.

I’ve been relaxing since finishing the last comic. As I said last week, last Thursday I went at my dad to install stuff for his new life in a wheel chair. But I have to go back there today ( still need to call him and confirm it ) since we weren’t able to install his handle bars in the bathroom.

My dad worked in construction all his life ( except for a small window when he became a lawyer later in life ), so he usually know what he’s talking about. We went through 3 masonry drill bit but never managed to get through the ceramic in the bathroom. NOT ONE HOLE. Only a dent!

After some research, it turns out it is not ceramic (don’t ask me what it is, I have no idea ) and I have to go back there today and try again with a diamant bit. Whish me luck! 

This week

This week will be all about 2 things. The General’s reward comics ( I have 2 comics to draw, the 3rd one decided to go with Pin Ups instead ) and the commission list. This is the plan for the rest of the month. Shots comics and pinups. So I can have my time table fried for August

Well, this is it for now!
See you guys soon!

PS: This is the Poster for the Old Guard which I watched last night. It is the Kick Ass Feminist Highlander Reboot you didn’t know you wanted. Check it out, it’s VERY good, and surprisingly faithfull to the comic ( I guess that both of them being written by the same guy helped ).


Edit :

So I failed… again :P

Well.... Not exactly, I installed 1 handle bar and it went well. But, when came the tome to install the 2nd,  my dad decided that the diamante bit was slightly to large so we went and buy a new masonry bit of better quality… an hour later I was still struggling on the 2nd hole. So I decided to go back to the Diamant bit… My father was getting frustrated with me and left me alone ( He was shooting water of the bit while I was drilling )… I thought I would be fine, drilling a little, stopping, adding water and drilling a bit more (rinse and repeat)… that was a mistake. The bit over heated and bend on me like Dali’s watch.

So… we ordered new ones and will have to go back whenever they get here.

The worst part of this is… his building has a superintendant who could install it himself but my father is a stubborn motherfucker :P




If you were using cheap masonry bits, they might not have the carbide tip. A carbide bit and a tiny bit of light oil (like the 3-in-1 stuff people use on door hinges) and a patient, steady hand can drill through almost anything eventually.


Be careful it's not asbestos. That can seriously fuck up your lungs if you start drilling or sawing through it.


It could still be ceramic, they have special bits for that but regardless with all the heat make sure you work in some relaxation time. And as for the Old Guard, that was really really an enjoyable movie!


not really a problem around here. we might be one of the biggest producer of this shit, we would NEVER install it in our home anymore ( or anything for that matter ) and the ceramic is pretty new.