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The weekend feel longer than expected :P
I'm not use to taking more than one day off... So, I decided to go on with my weekly update.

First, I have opened a SubscribeStar page.

This has nothing to do with my Kim P debacle over the weekend. I singed up to SubscribeStar 3 weeks ago, but didn't have the time to fill up the profile until last Friday. I'm just thinking ahead and try not to leave all my eggs in the same basket.

The way I plan to run this one is exactly the same as around here. Except that I've been able to add in some past projects that are not on my Patreon anymore. The only major difference is that the starting $ is the 3$ tiers. If you guys want to follow me over there, I'll be please... the page is rather empty at the moment, but it will fill out fast, but I don't plan to abandon Patreon. That site has been good to me, and I try to return the favor as best as I can.

Also, for those of you who where disappointed that I took down the Kim P pic, I totally understand. But I just try to do the best as I can for my page and my little community of followers. And I think that it's better to be safe than sorry on that department. I've already made an whole post explaining the reason why I took it down so, I'll just shut up now ;)


As promised, we are back on the Star Wars comic full time until this issue is done. The plan is to draw at least 1 page + a pinup or 2 pages a week depending on how fast I can churn out the pages... Although page 9 is a big one, so It might be my only post this week ( it can still happen ). As usual, I promise to give it my whole and work as fast and as long as possible. You guys have been incredibly patient with me over the last few months and this is the least I can do in return.

Well, that's it for now
I'll see you guys soon!

ps: Because I've been asked...No, I haven't had the time to watch Dune 2 yet... I went to the theater this morning but when I saw the sheer number of kids in the place I decided that I didn't have the patience for that :P  I might go on a morning during week if I can squeeze it in.



Yay, go for Star Wars! Btw will you publish different stuff on Subscriberstar? I mean will we be able to get all your production from one site or do we need a second subscription?


It seems that the Gumroad has taken the Tumblr stance and artist are losing another income based site. It seems that Subscribestar is a last bastion. I honestly wouldn't blame you to focus more on your Subscribestar account while keeping Patreon as a backup.


No... I plan to basically release the same thing on both site... Although, As you guys knows, sometime my mind go to place I can't share around here. Those will be shared over there. but I am not planning diverging projects... I can barely do one at the time :P


From what I know... most of these site would have been happy to keep us in if it wasn't for payment providers. Why banks and card processor are so against NSFW stuff, is beyond me. Although, I'm sure there is an explanation online somewhere :P