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So... I took the Kim Possible picture down.

First, let me assure you that I am not in any trouble with Patreon for this one. And I don't think there was anything inherently wrong with the picture. But someone left a comment on the exit survey indicating that it was the reason for their departure, and I quote: "The KimP art is just too creepy man."

At first, I couldn't understand why. It didn't feel any different than any of my other work. But thinking about it tonight, I understood, and finally agreed. First, the model I used as a reference is rather petite... That in itself isn't an issue. I know for a fact that she is 32 years old ( the pictures aren't that old... she was at least 25 when she posed for them ), and I did use her as reference before without any issues. But if you take that, plus Kim's large hairstyle and the cheerleader outfit flattening her breast... She looked rather young in the end. As for the surrounding, I based it on Kim's room from the live action movie, sprinkled in with elements and color scheme from the TV series and added in a bunch of stuff on the shelves not really thinking about it, including two plushies and a snow globe. My thinking was that those might be souvenirs of past adventures or old stuff she's holding on for sentimental reason... My point is: I wasn't thinking about how it would reflect on the age of the character. Heck... If I look at my own living room, right now, I can see two teddy bears, five batmobiles, a bunch of other toy cars, a few action figures, a plushy of Lucy from Peanuts and an Harley Quinn doll on a stand... and as far as I know I'm still an old dude way to close to 50 for my own comfort :P  But I can see why all these elements can make the picture look and feel creepy... 

So, I took it down. 

I should have put more though about he context.

Let me just be clear: I drew a perfectly good adult version of Kim Possible based on a 32 year old model, in an not really well though of context that made the final picture uncomfortable even for me.

And I apologise for that one.



So we've gone from "let's pretend none of us fooled around as teenagers", to "let's not even have art of imaginary teenagers", to "let's not even have art of adults that have youthful figures". Glorious to live in such an enlightened age. My grandparents would be so proud that their 1930s-1950s morals have finally taken over.


Calm down my friend. I am the one who ended up thinking my own work was iffy... you are not oppressed just yet. ;)


These voices are more of a concern to me than the material. It's as if they cannot tell the difference between a drawing and real life. Plus wasn't Kim 18 at the end of the series.