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This week on The W.I.N. we cover Nintendo's Indie World showcase, impressions on Advance Wars, memories of Mega Man and much, much more!




Fun episode as always Steve! I'm similarly split on the artstyle of Advance Wars, honestly. I think the "toy solider"-y vibe is a good concept for an Advance Wars game in premise? The ability to sacrifice soldiers for a victory is a defining trait of AW that sets it apart from, say, FE which encourages protecting all of your units above all else - and I do think that the toy solider vibe enhances that aspect and avoids making me feel like I have failed when I sacrifice a unit... but also this is a pretty 1:1 remake of two games with gorgeous pixel art, so changing it out for 3D models while recreating those animations isn't the most natural transition IMO. I am also SUPER excited for Rift of the Necrodancer. The Necrodancer series is one of my favourites out there - I get why the rhythm-based-rougelike gameplay loop doesn't click with everyone, but the flow state you get if it does is unlike any other game I've played - and I'm curious how its take on the Guitar Hero, Rhythm Heaven, and Punch-Out/rhythm-boxing styles of rhythm game will turn out! I'm also curious about what the narrative will be like, as this seems to focus on Cadence interacting with (alternate universe versions of?) a lot of the more minor characters who previously had very little in the way of lore/development.


If you want a good sales pitch for FNAF. I'll give it my best shot! So FNAF isn't really about the animatronics being scary or that menacing. Granted they don't exactly want to find you to have a party. For the most part they just see you as an error because to them you're an exoskeleton of an animatronic outside of a suit and they need to stuff you back in...ouch. The appeal of the games for me. Is that it's not being scared. But the anxiety of wanting to avoid a jumpscare in my face. The management of doing that is very nervewracking. Constantly checking the cameras to see which animatronic is where and knowing when to shut the doors which consumes a limited power supply. So it's constant observation just to avoid being jumpscared. IMO the best of the series is FNAF 4. This has a very heavy focus on auditory clues to know when the animatronics will sneak in and give you a scare. The animatronics are also they're most horrifying looking here. Almost nightmare-ish and there's a good reason for that. The lore for these games also very good. There's a great hidden story which is extremely dark. That's my reasons for playing these games and i'm in my mid 30's lol. Hope you enjoy them if you give them a shot! :)