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The Mario Movie is here, and Advance Wars is coming in hot on its heels! This week on The W.I.N., we've got extended, spoiler-free impressions on Nintendo's big-screen blockbuster and much, much more!




Hi Steve! Fun episode as always. When it comes to Advance Wars, I personally am excited for it and did really enjoy the original GBA titles. I do wish we got to see a little more of it - it's wild to me how this game has been announced for years now and the most recent trailer was our first public official look at something as basic as "the world map" - but I'm happy to just pick it up and enjoy it for myself when it launches in a couple weeks. I also do think that it isn't being promoted that hard, but, like with Famicom Detective Club before it, I'm guessing these "Nintendo contracts out remakes of dormant IPs"-type games are budgeted in such a way that they don't need to sell millions of units and be the number #1 trending topic on social media for weeks after launch to be successful. And thanks for answering my question! I think the film's depiction of Peach's strength is very different from something like Super Princess Peach, which very much treated the idea of her being a strong character as a bit of a joke (I mean, the game infamously ends with some... pretty weird comments regarding the vibe sceptor that gave Peach her powers for the game). That said, I agree that the status quo is likely to continue for their characters, but hopefully they do emphasize storytelling and character development more in the actual platformer games and don't restrict it to RPGs... though I would really enjoy a more serious take on Princess Peach platformer if Nintendo ever wants to revisit the concept of her saving Mario!


I've played every Advance Wars games, the copies must be somewhere in the attic. But I have no interest in the remake. I don't replay games, it's not something I enjoy. So going through them again with better graphics and QoL improvements holds no interest for me. Mario movie wise, I hadn't heard the complaint that Peach is too capable. And thank God for that, because that would've gotten me in a fightin' mood. Even if it would have been different from past games, having the only female character be helpless, without agency and without her own thoughts & wishes is not a message that anyone should want to support. Same goes if it would've been a different minority. Heck, same goes for any character at all. Which is why we need a Luigi Mansion movie after this to show Luigi is more than just a victim.