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Hey everyone, Ash here! Happy Friday! Just popping by to let you know there will be no GVGCast this week, which is why you Producers out there haven’t gotten the usual post putting out the call for topics. As some of you already know, I'm currently traveling in both the UK and Ireland and won't be back until next week, but as it turns out, the rest of the crew is also stretched thin on other stuff today: Derrick is focusing on his super-beefy Xeno series retrospective, Steve's gotta take care of some stuff with his kids, Jon's got his nose to the grindstone on some other videos he's working on, Brandon is also unavailable today, and Daniel... actually is free, but we'd never ask him to host a GVGCast by himself because that would be too lonely!

GVGCast will, of course, be back as usual next Friday (and I'll be back by then too)! There's a chance Steve may stream some games tonight instead if he's able, but that's not a sure thing at the moment and I'll let him make his own announcement about that later if he's going to do it (keep an eye on the Discord!). In the meantime, I’m about to take off for Dublin so I gotta run! Thanks so much for your patience and understanding -- we love you all and hope you have a wonderful weekend! ❤️



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