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Spiders 0.2 is out! Hope you enjoy the new features.  Spiders is what you get if you throw Night of the Living Dead, Blood and Blood, Devils Daggers, and 70s insect movies in a blender.

I'm still going to add some more stuff to the game so 0.3 will be the totally finished version. It's not a huge game content-wise (probably the smallest one yet) but I'm hoping the difficulty and the horde management aspect of the game will keep it fun for a long time.

Don't want to give too much away about 0.3, but boss fights, new weapons and areas are coming. Hoping to have it out by this weekend.

Stay out of the House 0.4 is still slated for this month. Some fun surprises are in store


Unity 2017 2018-08-07 16-58-04-71

Check out this video on Streamable using your phone, tablet or desktop.



Random question: but are you planning on making the walls destructible as well?


You spoil us


I'm sure this one sure is not your best? though it's okay and some fun... but really, you have to continue giving us the incredible Horror atmosphere you achieve! man: you create tension!!


Probably not my best, but wanted to try something new (and mostly experiment with that 2.5D art style, I think I've got down now). But don't worry, I don't think I'll be trying anymore monster games soon. Stay out of the House and Power Drill Massacre are next


Yes, some of them are now. But I kind of had to limit this to keep development time down