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  • Bug Fixes


  • Opening logos
  • Main menu
  • Menu options - controls, quality, audio and more
  • black widow babies no longer attack the windows
  • flamethrower burns spider webs
  • New spider type - turbo spiders! 


  • Critical fix to the spider's hit boxes. In previous versions, you couldn't hit anything behind a dead spider. The colliers now toggle off at death
  • Spider sprites are higher res
  • Face gore as you lose health
  • High scores are saved
  • In game controller support (but a mouse is needed for the menu)
  • Grindhouse video mode
  • Better game balancing
  • Lowered the physics time step slightly to improve collisions
  • Improved the board equip audio so it doesn't sound like a door is closing 

0.3 - Full version

  • Boss Fights
  • The Flamethrower
  • New Cutscenes
  • Outside on the farm
  • New Spider type - jumpers
  • More music
  • Vhs style menus
  • Reload button
  • Steel beams
  • Explodable buildings


  • New furniture to decorate the house
  • Destructible furniture
  • Explosions
  • Weapon improvements
  • Press f to board up doors and windows while another weapon is equipped
  • Score system

0.1 - Initial Release




Mystery game..... okay? unfortunately can't see any file/folder... anyway i thought this was the "ending of the SOTH", but No; so when the final version??


Yes, it's not up yet, but will be in a few hours. The ending for SOTH is coming later this month.


On my way home rn can't wait to try it!, also what do you have in mind after SOTH? PDM full version possibly? Anyway great work so far on everything guys it's been dope seeing the progression in each game!


Thanks! Yes, Power Drill Massacre is coming next, for an October / Halloween release. This month will be mostly focused on finishing SOTH. Steam page and keys coming soon :)


when you think stay out of the house will be finished?


Storywise, at the end of this month. This is a breakdown of how I'm working on it:<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/19186551">https://www.patreon.com/posts/19186551</a> 0.4 will be the story complete version. Fully polished and finished will be 0.5


Man this games hard are you sure there is an end to this :P


This is probably a stupid question, but how do I download the unityplayer to play the game.


the download link doesnt work anymore?