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Thanks for the feedback guys. I thinks it's clear I definitely need to stick with finishing something. As I've mentioned, that is my biggest weakness by far. So I thought it would be helpful to do a recap of where the upcoming games stand and what needs to be done:

Planet of Bloodthirsty Santa - The first two demos are about a 3rd of the total game (and will probably under go some heavy changes before the final version). Obviously the main issue that Christmas has passed and there may not be much of interest in this game because of the holiday theme. But on the other hand, I have some awesome voiceovers to use (thanks!) plus a significant amount of the level design is finished. But there is a lot to do and some of hasn't been totally planned out, specifically the Santa's castle section. I'd hate for the game to fall flat at the end.

Buzz Saw Blood House - This game is probably the furthest along out of all of them because it's relatively simple and I don't plan on making significant changes to the final version. Just adding content and more encounters with the killer. That said, I know this game isn't for everybody because of the platforming with fixed cameras and the concept requires it to remain that way. But it would be nice to finish it up and get it out of the way.

Nightripper - Nightripper is pretty long as is but to be honest, I'm not happy with the current version. I think the central gameplay loop is weak: searching a large area, looking for the 'key' to progress just seems very shallow to me. My plan is to overhaul each section with some puzzles to solve to progress. It will still require some item hunting but should generally have a lot more depth. Plus some new areas and cutscenes (an awesome one is already finished)

Pitchfork Massacre - This never gotta a demo but I have the cutscenes, character models, puzzles, story and most of the gameplay finished. The levels are built but need to be re-textured and decorated. Gameplay wise, it's similar to Babysitter Bloodbath with a storyline like Sledgehammer or Evil Laugh. I think this is one of the stronger of the games gameplay and concept-wise

Power Drill Massacre - I've been doing some thinking about PDM lately and some changes I want to make and things to add. I'm hoping I can make improvements to the AI and making the game generally scarier without the project going totally off the rails. Like with Nightripper, I'm planning on adding puzzles to the game rather than relying on finding keys in the building. Not sure how far the changes are going to go, but the map may end up with a different layout to accommodate the gameplay changes. We'll see.

Texas Butcher - Definitely my favorite of these concept-wise but there are still some gameplay problems I need to sort out. I also feel I need to wait for a higher budget so I can hire a real animator for the executions and all the animations this game actually requires

Meat Cleaver Mutilator - Basically a high-res stealth version of PDM. The map is pretty much finished, but I have to figure out the beginning, make the cutscenes, add some more puzzles and work on the AI. So theres a lot left to do.

So thats a lot of games. I probably repeated myself a few times, but a lot of these projects got to about the same point before I put them on hold and moved on to something else.




I do hope you keep that FPS horror in the back of your mind though, looking forward to everything mentioned so far!


Such an amazing list of games.


Concentrate on finishing one game. Remind yourself of the satisfaction of a completed published project. It happens to every creative person, at some point you lose track. But yeah, you have a solid list of titles there.


It's true. I remember getting off track with Babysitter Bloodbath but forcing myself to finish. If I hadn't actually finished that game, I wouldn't have gotten anywhere.


I recommend putting POBS on hold for a bit and finishing one of the games that you are closest to completing, then working your way through them till the holidays come around again, then put out another update for it. Good luck!


Yes, that's good advice. Interest in POBS fell off pretty quick after the holidays, That said, I want to finish it before it's tucked away and forgotten/abandoned. I figure I can release it on patreon soon and come out with the steam version towards the end of this year


Back burner for a while until September, August. Then you can work on the game a while before Christmas, and it’d be best marketing wise to release it within a week or so of Thanksgiving.


Jeez, I didn’t know editing my comment would literally erase everything it had from before. This Patreon app sucks hard. Anyway, the first half of the comment was recommending Buzz Saw Blood House AND Pitchfork Massacre, since the seem to be the furthest along, and perhaps switching between both will help with that lack of patience (: I also find it important to say that Pitchfork Massacre is almost an iconic part of your title, since it’s been advertised for sooooo long, it’d be a good idea to give us all real taste after so long. Also, with POBS, best to but that on the back burner...


Thanks for the comment. Yeah, those are actually the ones I've been most interested in working on as well. Also been thinking about tackling these two at a time so they don't get stale