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I updated the character model swapping now that the important items and inventory are complete. Changing character models is actually more complicated than it may sound. I need direct access to the models armature bones for Ik (like pointing the gun towards the crosshairs in the middle of the screen), and hand interactions like holding items and stuff. So the Ik, animator, some materials, and other stuff needs to be set whenever there's a switch.

Good news is costume changes should be easier in the future. Totally switching characters is more complicated, since I need to also switch their inventories. That's what delayed this game: https://youtu.be/AkCuWsf9KLQ Having multiple playable characters adds a ton of complexity. But all the refactoring I've been doing should make this kind of thing a lot simpler in the future.

I've also re-implemented and update the stamina bar. It looks more like a vcr tracking bar now

music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtMlWbNVR-Y This song is not in the game, just what I was listening to while I was working

Quick Update: Just added the character hud to show your health and what you're holding http://i.imgur.com/uhjsvJI.jpg


Unity 2017 07 08 16 39 20 32



Looking good! Love your work.