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It is time to do a little poll to see what kind of things people would prefer to see in Hunt and Snare. We're most most likely not going to prioritize exactly based on poll results, but they're going to influence what kind of content focus we'll have :3

You can pick as many options as you feel like, but try not to tick everything and instead cherry pick your favorite things ^^



I really like the look of the game so far and it's got a lot of potential but I'm worried that it's only ever going to be a sex simulator. Personally, I've reached the point where I need personalities behind the genitalia to get hot and bothered by it. As a side issue, I noticed something that you may want to address in game. When you spook a "wild" one, they seem to run for a really long distance/time. Since you can run off cliffs, that basically means that once someone is spooked, they run off a cliff every time. I know that you eventually want to prevent cliff plummeting all together, but how far is a reasonable distance for something wild to run before is feels safe enough to stop running?


Yeah, I very well understand. I like stories and personalities too. The original plan is to have the ship core crew (lookout, engineer, captain, etc) as proper written characters and some towns folk as small chit chat conversations. We're most likely pushing it a bit higher in our tasklist so we can start world building too ^^ As for the prey running, yeah they probably should calm down after they've gotten some distance to the source of spookiness. Good point! Added to do list ^^


What, no tentacle rape? :P