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Time flies! Whoa! It's already late June, and Summer has actually... ...no, I'm not actually sure if it has started or already gone from Finland. But I'm more than happy about it. I'm very sorry to everyone in middle Europe, I've heard some horror stories from there and I have no idea if it has gotten better, nor if it ever will. I hope so! You deserve cold just as we do ^^

This month we released R2 V7 (Pine forest, female character, Pawing, FxF, performance optimization (not enough yet though)) and R3 V8 (Stealth, public access to first area of Skiia, first pass of desert, visual polishing (skyrimish!), filtering of fetishes, better act randomization, and improved actor following). I wanted to push R3 V9 this week already, but I didn't realize it was Midsummer holiday all around the world. Whoops! It's not a horrible loss though, because we're just going to make the build a bit bigger instead.

Our plan is to release new build next weekend (1st or 2nd of July). We're mainly polishing things for this build and adding new content towards the desert (skins, new locations, and acts (including first actual swimming acts)). There MIGHT be something more than slightly exciting too, but I can't promise anything yet because there's currently quite a bit of work to be done for it. Looking fairly likely at the moment, I'll post teaser separately if I'm sure it can be done for the next build ^^

New ghosts will definitely be added:

I'm sure that is already someone's fetish by the time you get to this line. I personally like the new ghosts a LOT. Squeaky. x)

Also I've been setting up more tinglies for the characters:

Which might not seem like a big thing, until you see what else I'm working on:

Yup. 26 tinglies, that can be equipped on characters (Not the upcoming build, but eventually), most of them fit noses, nipples, ears (multiple sets), some can be thrown on lips. This is also a step towards actual character accessories like clothes. I wanted to start with something small and simple, and then we can easily go upwards from there ^^

Whaaaat else... Hmm, yes. I'm also commissioning another head, from Hallogreen (not sure if they want to be linked, so here's just a name) so that we have a nice set of options to vote on for the new heads. The head voting should come in couple of weeks, maybe even earlier.

Also, since the last Gaze, we've gone from 97 patrons to 124 patrons. That's nearly 30 new patrons that have pledged and decided to stay. It's quite a few less than last month, but it is expected, it being summer and all. I am very happy with the numbers, and I'm very glad so many people have decided to pledge to us, and I'm very happy that so many faces are still around from the first month(s) ^^ There has a been a lot more "pledge once" kind of pledges this month. If we count those to the whole party, then our number this month is 50, which compared to last month's 75 isn't that massive difference. 

Also our latest version basically expanded the public build to the "Big Patron Selling Point" aka the island demo, so that also slows growth down a little bit. I'm not worried though. As we're constantly adding more to the Patron build, we're constantly making the Patron build little bit more tempting... of course the public build grows at the same time, but if each build gives +2 to both, everyone benefits :3

As for the build itself... 2082 downloads in A WEEK. Holy cow! And huge amount of likes and comments. Really really happy with these numbers! ^^ Of course the business dragon inside me wonders how we can turn these numbers to pledgers, but that doesn't reduce the happiness at all x)

What's in store for July, you ask. Well let me risk my credibility and tell you what we're planning on! First of all, we'll vote on the direction we'll go with heads as I said earlier. 

And secondly, actual build wise, we are planning on implementing an inventory and equipping system. Initially we're going to go with those tinglies I showed earlier, but once inventory system and equipping is implemented, we'll start expanding selection of accessories in builds... aaaaaaand there will be lootin' and tootin'... well not so much tootin' yet, unless it's sexual kind of tootin', but lootin'! Things to find, hidden special items, etc, that you can find in the world and put on your favorite prey (or yourself!) ^^

And thirdly.. player character customization and customization pass in general. Now this doesn't mean new species, but it means that there will be more options to pick from when customizing player for the island demo or characters inside Showroom. What all I'm not sure about, but my list is fairly big, and I'm hoping to do as many of these as possible, of course x)

Meanwhile, while working on the new versions, we'll be working on R4 which is Gunplay. I don't have any estimate on it yet, but I'm hoping we can finish it in July because that would mean we can get on to conversations and actual crew recruiting in August ^^

Well.. I think I've rambled long enough! It's time to get back to work on *SECRET*.

Thank you for reading! Share your thoughts or questions or what not. I'll be happy to reply and tell more about anything except *SECRET*... actually one of the patrons might already guess what it is, but still. Erhm. *SECRET* will be cool ^^

Best wishes,



Omfg so much text while the world is melting outside of my cooled room. X3 Good to see how things are going. The new ghosts look nice and all those planned features...yes yes yes! =3 Maybe i can survive fucking summer without the usual depression sessions.^^

InterLEWD Creations

I really like the tingles and the attention to detail on the collars is so cool. Will the tinglies have crew stats e.g. +1 piloting, +1 engineering, +1 navigation, etc?


I haven't actually decided how strong RPG elements will Hunt and Snare have, but I think, at least for now, things are more cosmetic than actually gameplay related... except for player's rifle, that will affect things ^^


Thankfully it's not that hot in here, but... we also don't have an AC so any temperature becomes melting easily. Evenings are bad, but otherwise it's pretty nice and cool ^^ I hope you can survive the winter, maybe we should consider adding some colder climates to the game later on, maybe for the next summer x)