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Heyooooo Guys!

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Thank you for trusting me even more supporting me with the Tier 3

So, guys, this is the first version with audio of this Judy project.

It's a teaser, It doesn't have many problems, I guess there is some texture problems that I'm going to fix if I can, I couldn't since I didnt' know how to to that properly.

Well, I think this is one of those few times that I don't have much to say.

Oh yeah, I'm working on the next Judy scene!

Tell me what you think about this scene, I'll be happy to hear your opinion!

If you have any question, feel free to ask!

Thanks for supporting me, I really appreciate it!

Have a nice day!




I worry that a video game studio or movie studio might try and hire you. It would really suck to lose your talent. Judy's facial expressions are so life like. God tier work.


That's a nice compliment, Ajax. I really appreciate it 😊. Don't worry, that's not gonna happen anytime soon, I guess. I still have a lot to learn and I have many projects in my mind that I'd like to make. Until I can I'd like work here, for myself and for those who support me.