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How's going guys?

This is a little update. I had some problem here and there so I didn't have enough time to work on this part (I will explain later in this post). I wanted to release the whole part, but It still needs some tweak so I chose to show just a bit of it.

My idea is to make something similar to Lara, the blowjob will have some scene and more variations. I'd love to make an intro, we will see.

I'd like to add a oral creampie, what do you think about it?

I hope you like this little update.

If you have any question, feel free to ask!

have a nice day!


For those that are interested what kind of problems I had and want more infos, keep reading below:

SOOO, I started to work on this part around the end of february, I had the awesome idea to make some change to the male body, this for helping me to work better later on. Guess what? I literally made a mess, I had to spend days to understand how to fix what I did and still improve what was needed.

After that, around the first days of march, I started to work on the blowjob.

After 2 weeks I had part of the blowjob done, but It was horrible, It didn't look right and wasn't good enough to be released on this patreon.

So, that day, I spent over 24 hours without sleeping to understand how to improve myself, I was looking for informations, something that could help me.

Aaaaaaaaand, I found a video that actually helped me! It's not something that will change everythinq but it's a little step forward!

I chose to make everything from scratch, I deleted the old blowjob animation and started a new one. The only thing I chose to keep was the original script and the ligthing, and that saved a lot of time.

SO, when I started it, following those instructions, It was like I was faster and less stressed by it. I worked for like 16 hours (worked 8 hours, took a break and worked for other 8 hours). I wasn't tired, It was fun. I was surprised because It took me 16 hours to do something better than what I did in two weeks!

Of course I don't mean that now I'm a lot faster, but I got some good information that It may help me in the future. Sure, I still have to implement it in my workflow, but It's part of my learning process and It's fine.

After that, I've improved the whole animation adding stuff, secondary motions, fixed the the male (that still had issues after my changes), I had to fix the collisions that had a lot of problem (I fixed It just yesterday, pff) and so on.

I'd like to say more, but I think I wrote enough.

One last thing:

When this animation will end?

I can't say too much, but I think that after this blowjob scene (That I still need to finish) I just need to make the sex scene with a creampie and then the ending.

Thanks for reading guys. I'm sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes, It was a long post.

Don't forget to tell me what you think about it.

Have a nice day!



Master W

Think there will be an overwhelming 'Yes' vote for an oral cream pie....

Reier Gotter

Yes for oral creampie and sex creampie!


Probably one of the interested in your problem with the animation, so what problem exactly did you had, you don't seam to have problems with timing and spacing, i'm trying to learn 3d animation and watched some videos from a very good animator on youtube(Alessandro Camporota), so i'm asking you if you could share the video that helped you if you use reference of yourself or from Porn videos, maybe explain your workflow how you do the process like, first make key posses in stepped then you do blocking then blocking plus and after, you put the animation in spline and clean up the curves, how do you approach the Breakdowns and so on, keep up the good the work, have a good day :)


Hi TSausage! My problem is that just from the Lara animation I started to do blocking and stuff like that. Before the Lara Croft animation (the 2023 one), I used to do my animations just in spline, no blocking. I had to learn a completely different way to animate. I wanted make something more, and all the blocking part helps a lot if you want make something more difficult, but it's time consuming. I'm still learning, I'm still making a lot of mistakes. Even tho It slowed me down a lot, It helps me to be more precise. I know Alessandro Camporota, I watch some of his videos. He's really helpful. About the references, most of the time I use porn references and sometime I just use myself (I use my self for non porn stuff) to do a specific moves. The preparation is really important, I write scrips, I try to choose my references carefully, but sometime rush too much and I make even more mistakes. The video that helped me was about breakdowns and the workflow in general, because my workflow is a mess. That helped me, of course I have to study It better and implement it in my workflow. The video is called "The Ultimate Animation Workflow for Beginners" by Chester Sampson (you can find It on youtube). I started to learn 3d animation about 3 years ago, but I wasted the first 2 years doing many wrong choices, I learnt many things pretty late. Now, I find myself to learn again from scratch several things and learn new things at the same time. It's frustrating sometime, and I'm not good to learn stuff all by myself, but I'm trying. Ok, that's a long comment ahah, I think it's enough. If you have any other question feel free to ask, I may answer a bit late since I'm working hard to release a little WIP before the end of this month. Have a nice day!