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Hello people! 

How's going?

I noticed that Harley Part 3 got so much love.

I'm really happy about it!

I want to thank everyone who supported me for all this time (It helped me a lot, really), and those who just joined.

BUUUUUUT let's get it started!

I'm here because I started a new different animation a couple of days ago.

But, I noticed that some people liked the ending scene in the Harley animation, so I made a step back and I decided to make something that I like: a poll!

Both animation will be challenging because I want make something I didn't do before. So no time to lose!


1) Lara Croft

I already started it, but it is still in early stages

Why choose her animation?

- Different location

- It's Lara! (Wildeer model)

- Short foreplay, "fast" jump on a sex scene 

- Single animation


2) Power Girl

Why choose her animation?

- It continues the DC girls project

- It's Power Girl! (Well, it's Super Girl with the Power Girl outfit...I liked it more)

- No sex scene in the Part 1 (it would be like Harley Part 1 and 2). It looks like a downside, but I think it's a good thing if you want more than just "sex only" scenes.

- It should have multiple parts (followed by polls)


These are early stages scripts/guidelines. Everything might change during the animation process (Harley part 3 was supposed to be just a sex part, and We know how it turned out).

I can't say anything else.

I have to be honest, I don't know which one I prefer.
I'd choose Lara because the part I'm making it's not bad at all, and it looks pretty hot. 

On the other hand I'm curious to work with Power Girl and I have some good ideas (We still have Harley there *coff coff*. Who knows, she might be useful. We will see). 

Who will lose this poll might back later on with the same script or a different one.

After this animation, I'll consider to make a poll with different characters. 

Ok, I think I didn't forget to say anything else.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Let's the battle begins!



Voted Lara animation. Would be a nice break from DC stuff :)


🤤 Lara for the WIN 🥵🤪🥵🤪


Can't wait for PG, but I feel like Lara will be a good change of pace.


Either are awesome. The more sex the better!