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Here you'll find two links: one is a direct download and the other one is a folder that contain 2 other versions.

One of those 2 versions is a "Only sex scene" for those who want just watch the sex part, the other one cut a little scene.

Click Here To Download (This is the original version, I suggest you to watch this before the edited ones)

Click Here to get the edited versions (and the original one) + some pics from the animation

Unfortunately these pics are just on 1080p, since it was a last minute decision (uploads all these pics) I didn't have time to fix the problem that prevents me to render on 4k or more, It's a pity I know.

More info (if you already read it on Tier 1 Post, no need to read it again):

Finally, after 4 month (maybe 5? I don't remember) I finished this animation.

I think I didn't manage well all these poses, I think they were too much for me.

I'm sorry if I made you to wait so much, I know there are faster animators out there, and I'm not one of them apparently :')

I'm so happy tho, I fought everyday with my skills to make this animation good enough for you all.

It was challeging and I learned different things in these months. I hope it will help me with my future projects.

Tell me what you think about it, don't be afraind to say the truth, It will help me to uderstand better what you like and it helps me to improve.

Thanks for supporting and for put your trust in me.

Have a nice day!




Holy shit this is pro level animation, fanticatic work man.


Worth the time and effort! If worried about the wait, could release in smaller parts over time. I don't mind either way. Great work! :)


Ye, I'm trying to post atleast 1 WIP every month, but sometime I feel it's not enough :'). Thanks for supporting me! I'm glad you liked it :)


I remember months ago you voted for more Harley. I'm glad this animation didn't disappoint you :)


Nice one. Turned out good. 🙏


This is freakin amazing!!!!!!


This is wonderful, and dont worry about being fast! Your work is amaziing!