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Heya guys, just thought I'd give you a heads up that probably next week I will be opening up 3D commissions, but I'd also like to discuss some things regarding it.

While I haven't done this part yet, I will be making a detailed pricing sheet since there is a LOT of different things that goes in to making 3D work, and I wont strictly be starting from fresh with every project. So, for example, someone might already have a 3D model that they want to be altered, which is obviously not going to cost nearly as much as making a full model from scratch but I still have to find a way to consistently calculate the price. And to be quite honest, making a full 3D model from scratch is pretty exhausting and likely gonna be very expensive, so I'm not entirely keen on starting out with that (but don't let that discourage you from submitting your idea, I might end up liking it.)

Another thing I need to mention is that the way I plan on dealing with these commissions is by allowing people to submit information of their desired commission through some kind of form, the reasons for this being:

1) Keeps things organized

2) A lot of people have asked me for a commission, and at this point I feel it would be unfair for me to just open them up and hand out slots to the first five people... everyone deserves an equal chance to propose their idea to me.

3) Simply put, I dislike working on stuff that I have little personal investment in and would rather pick and choose the commissions I'd be happy working on.

Further on point 3 is that although there will undoubtedly be people wanting me to make stuff that I would probably outright hate making, and I don't want to forever deny people the opportunity to get what they want based on the fact that I frankly think their idea is lame (which sounds harsh, but I'm just being honest on my thoughts). So I will likely either make commissions I like the idea of cheaper, or make commissions I don't like more expensive. Probably the former since the latter sounds meaner... and I reckon people will be happy to hear "oh hey i'm giving you a discount" instead of "oh hey I'm making you pay more".

What I'd also like to mention is that I'll be giving you guys (my Patrons) some priority over other people. I aint gonna sugar coat it, you people give me money and support me in a very generous way and I don't think I express nearly enough how much I appreciate that... so if you are going to ask for a commission, be sure to mention you're a Patron of mine and I'll probably take your request in to further consideration. However, don't expect that this is going to guarantee that I will be making your commission, I'm just saying mention that you're a Patron of mine and I'll consider what you want further.

If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or questions, lemme know!


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