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As promised, I have drawn Mumu. It's been a VERY hot minute since I drew anything really so I had a lot of rust to shed.

So, who is Mumu? You probably know she's a cow-demon... but what exactly is a cow-demon? First and foremost Mumu doesn't really have any bovine genetics or anything like that, she is 100% demon. Why does she look like a cow? A coincidence I guess, but she seems to have taken it in to her style regardless.

"Alright then" you might ask, "What type of demon is she?" 

The answer is that she is the type of demon who divulges secrets. She is knowledgeable in the most forbidden of arts and the darkest of spells, and she is willing to divulge said secrets to others; for a price.

Indeed for the small cost of a mere summoning circle and a few of her favourite snacks and you can then call the cow demon herself to you and ask her for her secrets, but be careful for she only answers what she is asked, any hidden side effects to her incantations might not be apparent unless you ask her specific questions, and each question requires more snacks.

Attempts to shackle her down and force her in to magical servitude are futile, for she is immune to such tricks. Prisons and bindings will merely slip through her should she choose to leave them. Frankly it would be wasted efforts however, she's more than happy to play ball when given what she wants. Remember: those horns aren't just for show, and she is fully capable of using the dark arsenal of demonic powers she would have otherwise taught to any potential summoners should they get on her bad side.

You must now be wondering what sort of snacks she likes, and I would tell you that is the most important question of all... 



Hell Ray

Cool, information broker demon.