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Gosh darn it, I'm late!!!😱😱💖 At first, this horrible month couldn't go any slower🙄 but when I started ignoring all the stressful stuff and relaxing a bit, suddenly it's the end of the month🙄🤒 Time is a . . . well anyways, I've got some quick artworks to share real quick🤗💖 hope ya guys like them... gonna have to make a couple of quick posts🙇‍♀️💟 Here, have surface pressure... I mean--have this Luisa piece I did long ago🤗💖 

💖Heavy Link🦋: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OnZhZpqZfYUOsrtnbo68mckjr-jbDJuB?usp=sharing

(don't look at her hand🤫 don't😭)
