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Aaannnd this is how I deal with a very bad week...😬 not like 'This' this, but like drawing stuff like this😅💓 Felt almost like not posting it but. . .  Just.... don't open this in public kay🙈🤭💓 Let me know what you guys think...💕 or wait, let's just not mention this ever again. This never happened, forget it, I never drew this🤫 Let's never bring this post into any conversation alright? Hush now! Nighty night y'all😋💕 Hugs and kisses and butterflies...🦋🦋💓

Link🦋: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/103WWw11VZXWtBoWqQWCIqW-zDI7StGKq?usp=sharing




Teeth!😱 I just noticed, forgot to color in Jennie's teeth my goondess😭🙈😬


Sorry to hear about your bad week. But the art is FIRE! I guess they needed to let it out....


Not enough though😭😭😤😤🔥🔥💖 need more fire!!! Need more hott stuff😱😋💟 working on it.... also, tyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!