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Here is a preview of our next video, Curing Consolitis. This should be released this Thursday.

Also, we are looking into a new time for the Patreon Q+A, we had some things come up for this weekend. We will keep you posted.

Thanks for watching everyone. :)


Curing Consolitis: Upgrading Old PCs

Did you know that even a 5 year old computer upgraded with a ~$200 or less graphics card can challenge modern consoles? and play most modern PC games at reasonable settings at full 1080p resolution? Let's take a look.



Kewl! When I was developing network apps I bought a handful of MBs and mounted them to 1x10 pine boards with wood screws and stand-offs made from diced rigid plastic hose. It was pretty hacky but it worked well.


Good video.. I hope it helps people out. I agree CPU's are not holding back games often and a lot of people only have 1080p displays :)


Great video! I did this the other day for the elderly parents of a friend. Their old PC was so ancient it ran out of memory trying to display video from YouTube. Use case was to browse the web, play music and videos. Corp surplus HP SFF i3 cost me £10 (no H/D). Add a 120GB SSD and a passively cooled half height 1GB GPU with an HDMI port. Installed Linux and we were done for £90.


I look forward to the coming videos guys. Nice one!


The video editing and production quality is still not up to par, but I think it's getting along


Good video. I vote you guys get some Lav mics next. ;)


+1 on the attitude, and you got something going. This video was hilariously amazing to watch.


I vote for always having the lab coats when you do something with hardware ^^


This channel is so amazing^^


white coats made my day