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video: drive google, mega

It took me a long time to create animation with this fruit. To do this, I had to write a script that places more than a hundred bones in certain places and configures the constants for them. This is a test animation in which I tested the transparent material and the rig. It looks like it looks like I intended it.

In the future, I intend to use the experience gained with this fruit to create vaginas, hollow tentacles, anus and condoms with cum for the characters and plants of my game.

It is the fruit of a plant with a tentacle mouth. After fertilizing the fruit, the player will be able to plant it in a different location to grow a new plant. In the future, I will need to create a complete set of animations with this. I'm wondering what masturbation with this fruit of a large hybrid penis would look like. I think due to the large amount of cum, the fruit will swell much more and possibly overflow, so that the cum will be squirting from the nipple at the tip of this fruit.



Draven Shadow

You, my friend, are doing some amazing work and just felt like you needed to know this. 😁👍


Thank you, I am pleased to read such comments :) I know this is not the most interesting video I've made, so this post has few likes. It was important for me to make a rig for this fruit, since finally I had the technical ability to make rigs for all the girl's holes and start making videos with all types of penetrations :)

Draven Shadow

I'm glad you feel that way and as I said I just wanted you to know that you are doing some amazing work. To create all this from the ground up basically is, in my mind, daunting to say the least and must take quite a lot of skill, patience, creativity and an eye for details that most people wouldn't notice or care to bother with. For me at least your hard work is very appreciated. 😁👍