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These episodes are so funny.  
I feel like Felix & Hyunjin's reactions are still talked about to this day.
Lee Know being a sweet hyung.  LOL!  I loved it.



Queen SuA's InSomnia

When you said Hyunjin would be unbothered, I literally laughed out loud. He's our drama king.


Well. He can also be unbothered and chill! He was kind of chill with Seungmin. But a total drama queen/hot mess when he was by himself. LMAO! I think it just depends on his mood.


Omg I'm so sorry about your heater! It's also -10F where I live today. Even my dog who loves walks is like, I think I'll hold it in today 😭


Oh no! It's probably not safe for their little paws to be out when it's that cold. I don't know anything about dogs but hopefully your dog is trained to use a potty pad or something. This winter is gross. :(


She is! We also have little booties and a jacket for her. Still no fun though 😓


In this episode, Felix really had the most fear and then Chan! But I think (at least with Felix) it also depends a bit on who he's with. Minho is not easy to scare, which is why Felix let himself go, I guess. There was a short episode that came out a bit later for a Japanese show where Felix was with Chan in a scary-whatever and Felix was actually different. Jisung actually surprised me a bit because he's usually afraid of a lot of things. But Changbin probably described it quite well when he said Jisung thinks to himself "we're not going to die here" and so it just wasn't scary for him anymore. I thought it was a shame that Seungmin and Hyunjin had so little screentime in their task. I don't know exactly why it was like that, but it's a shame. On the other hand, Hyunjin alone was able to show again why he is often called a drama queen, haha. Thank you very much for this episode and also for watching all the related episodes together. I had to go through those cliffhangers back then, I'd hate to go through that again now, haha. I hope your heater works again after the holiday >.< It's snowing here at the moment too and since I don't heat much, it's rather fresh here too, so I sit at the PC with a blanket, haha. But unlike you, I have the option of turning up the heating. The idea that it wouldn't work at all would be really bad.


I’m only 5 min in but about bangchan and changbin, I would say their are VERYYYY VERYY CLOSE lmao u just didn’t get to see that in the stuff ur reacting to but I’m pretty sure you will. And also, I personally recommend the 2kidsroom in 2022 after ur done with this one since it didn’t cover all the duos🤎 It’s shorter than the 2kids show, it doesn’t have MC it’s just one to one and they also don’t sing at the end but there are very iconic duos that wasn’t covered this 2kids show


yay new skz code season! 🥹 I think that episodes gets better and better now xd If you'd like to watch a show where they just talk there's 2 Kids Room. They go in pairs and talk about life and experiences they've been between them. Is a really great show to see the dynamic between the members.

Cassandra Ryan

i'm ngl i burst out laughing when you said you didn't think hyunjin would be loud or a scaredy cat


I got that one wrong. LMAOOOO! BUT to be fair. He was super chill on his 2kids episode!


Such funny episodes)) The imitation of Chans and Hyunjin’s dance in Red Lights by Han and I.N. was something else, hehe))) But poor Felix… Hyunjin’s reactions sometimes are very unpredictable though …. sometimes he can get all hyped or totally unbothered and you might never actually know which side of him you might see next. I think he a bit overdosed his reactions in this scary room for the sake of drama though. Cause all the members have their signature moments they are known and loved for among fans and they double fun for us during these shows)))) Also wanted to add that 2 Kids-room 2022 would be a good choice for the next talking show. Great reaction

Walcott Koenig

I really enjoyed your reaction! These episodes are definitely some of my favorites. It’s interesting because I feel like who they went with had some influence on how scared they were. Lee Know and Han get as scared as the average person but I felt, since they were with younger members who get scared more easily, they showed their braver sides to help keep the member they were with calm… then Han let his guard down at the end lol. SKZ went on a Japanese show last year called Tokyo Mission Tour where 4 of them did a haunted house and the production team definitely knew what they were doing because the pairs were Lee Know + Han and Bang Chan + Felix. Lee Know and Han went through the haunted house and had some scares, but they overall enjoyed it because they like watching horror movies and getting scared like that. Chan and Felix on the other hand… as you could predict there was A LOT of screaming and polite apologizing. At times, Felix would sink to a crouching position like he did in this SKZ Code episode and Chan would have to walk them forward, but at some points Chan would sink to the ground too and they would literally be making no progress 😂😂. After 20 minutes they were still not even at the halfway point, so the staff asked them if they wanted to give up and they did 😂😂. Once they got out you could see they were perspiring so much from stress.They probably had the option to refuse to do it because in the same show Lee Know refused to go on a roller coaster because of his acrophobia, but I still felt bad lol. In this instance Felix actually came off as braver because he was the one trying to keep Chan calm haha. You’re right that Hyunjin is calm but he can also be the opposite depending on his (fairly variable) mood. If something doesn’t interest him he will barely react at all, but if he is immersed in something, he’s all in. Also, he can become uninterested or immersed fairly quickly so there is really no way to predict it haha. Also, I feel like the missions inside the building were scarier than the outside one since Hyunjin and Seungmin were able to have a flashlight and there were only two real scares with the same woman. Hyunjin was probably more focused on Seungmin cracking jokes and making him laugh when they were together, but when he was by himself he psyched himself out lol. I could never go through a haunted house by myself and never intend to! It sucks that your heater is not working. I’m sending you warm vibes until it gets sorted out!

Walcott Koenig

I see a lot of people are recommending the 2 Kids Room from 2022. I recommend it as well! They have actually been doing 2KR since 2018 and had 5 volumes before the 2022 2KR. If you do react to the 2 Kids Room from 2022, since the episodes are shorter, you can maybe react to the episodes from the older volumes at the same time. It’s a good way to see how the members and their relationships have changed over time. For example the first episode of the 2022 2 Kids Room is Hyunjin and Felix- before you watch that you can watch their previous episode together from 2KR Vol 3. Then for Ep. 02 with Changbin and Seungmin, you can watch their episode from Vol. 4 first. Some members have three 2KRs together, so, for example when you get to Ep. 16 with Lee Know and Han, you can watch their episodes from Vol .2, Vol. 5, then the 2022 one. There are 28 episodes of the 2022 2 Kids Room, so I understand if you skip the older ones! It’s just an idea that I’ve seen some reactors do. I have a playlist that has the 2 Kids Rooms in this order, so that may simplify it: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLibo3gC6SteGJQCJ5m9u0AgmlLBGISDvg


I 100% agree with this, I've suggested the same thing a while back. It's super interesting to watch the same pair develop over the years. And sometimes they reference back to previous episodes.


I also agree with this, the episodes are also quite short compared to like 2kids show. If you watch all the 2kids room episodes related to one dynamic/duo then it'd probably be less than or similar to the same length as a 2kids show episode.


Hope you get warmth soon! Glad you enjoyed these episodes, it was fun watching again with you! I love SKZ Code


2 kids room is one of the best content of skz. My favourite episode was Hyunjin Seungmin episode. These two really cute together. That episode was wholesome. And Seungmin Changbin dynamic is really fun. They always hugging each other, teasing each other.


this was a funny mess!!!! Hyunjin at the end : lmao!! He can be over the top sometimes but that's fine with me, still my top candidate to become my bias.


omg yes! a reaction to their exo covers would be amazing. also, stay warm bestie!!!