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I'm really sorry for very late post.  My monke brain can't concentrate for the life of me.

Anyway here's update sketch for liquid mercury remake.

And few more commissions that's i just finished. Sorry again and thank you for still support me despite my inconsistent post schedule.

Hope you guy have a good month ahead.




Wow, love how he's given more time to react to his Mercury body before the programming kicks in. Another amazing chapter.

William Kelley

Alas here comes the mind control part and my least favorite the read about. I'll wait for the next comic to start. Great drawing as ever! Love your work


monkey see monkey do

Rökkr Ragnarok

Is it bad I kinda wish all the team gets converted? Anywho, on the second page, top right corner. “I’m even Miller anymore?” Should be “Am I even Miller anymore?” Am I and I am are annoyingly different when writing. I’m only works for I am, not am I


Really good; I like Miller's approach to their new self and am looking forward to their impending mental changes and what the scientist might get them to do to their former comrades :)


very nice

Roxanne Giling

Edits! :) Page 1: 1: What has she done to me?! My body... it's all metallic! And are these my breasts?! 2: It doesn't seem real. But I'm able to hold them in my hands! 3: Kyu!? They're so sensitive! 4: I know that she turned me into a girl and all but to see these boobs with my own eyes... And then there's this female voice coming out of my mouth... Grrr! (I altered the ordering of these lines because it doesn't make sense for her to talk about her boobs, talk about her voice for one line, and then go back to her boobs again) I feel so humiliated! 5: What's wrong, Prima? Taking an interest in your new body? Kya! Hehehe. It seems that your sensory input is still adjusting. Don't worry, it should become more tolerable in a few seconds. Let me show you the full extent of my gift. Drone Mirror!

Roxanne Giling

Page 2: 1: Take a good look at your beautiful new body, Prima. Do you like it? Much better than that old, obsolete, flesh body, isn't it? No way... This girl... is me? 2: This face... These eyes... Everything that was me is all gone... It's like I'm watching someone else's reflection. Am I even still Miller at this point? (Again, reordered these lines for better flow) 3: I'm not even flesh and blood anymore. All of this is just a blob of metal. I'm just a living metal goop shaped like a woman! No, I need to calm down. Take a hold of yourself, Miller! You're still you dispite this form!

Roxanne Giling

Page 3: 1: It's that damn woman! She did this to me! Lost in thought, Prima? Or are you just admiring yourself? 2: Stop calling me that! Hmm, a servant barking orders at her master. Truly horrid behavior. I'll need to fix that in the next stage. I'll let it slide for now, considering how lovely you came out. DAMNIT! QUIT YOUR NONSENSE AND FIX THIS! TURN ME BACK! 3: Turn you back? Why are you asking me such foolish things, Prima? You know that's impossible. Is this some kind of coping mechanism? A denial of reality? Fascinating. So human-like. The personality simulation is working better than I thought. It's because I AM a human, damnit! I'm not your freaky robot! But you don't need oxygen, food, or water to survive. Your entire body is a deadly weapon and most other weapons are entirely useless against you. You will never grow old and your beauty is eternal. In other words, you're almost like an immortal being. Compare that to the mutt that you once were. Why would you want to turn back? You are better in every possible way. It's utterly absurd to even ask. 4: But if you insist on being Miller, then why don't we let your companions decide? Let go of me. Voice command received. Overriding unit's physical movements. My body is moving on its own?! Now, follow me. 5: Well well, you've all been real quiet for a while now.

Roxanne Giling

Page 4: 1: Here's your commander. Boss... Miller... 2: Is that really you, Miller? You're still Miller right? June...! 3: My my, do I sense some deeper connections other than simple coworkers? How scandalous! How do you like mr. Miller's new look? Doesn't he look manly? Hahaha Kya! Gah! Oh, look. Your bulky commander let out such a lovely voice. Fufufu, too bad she's now my Prima. Every cell and every fiber of her nanite body are mine. 4: Argh... Don't look... I don't want them to see me like this. 5: You sick, twisted bitch!!! He's not your toy!! I'll kill you!!! I'll rip you apart, goddamnit!

Roxanne Giling

Page 5: 1: Awww, I'm sorry you are feeling that way. What about you, mr. Wade? Do you fancy mr. Miller's new look? 2: Prima, give mr. Wade a good view. Gah! I'm so sorry, Wade... Take a closer look. Admire the beauty that your commander has become. Boss! Damnit, why did it turn out this way... 3: Do you like them, mr. Wade? Your commander's nice, firm breasts? SHA-... SHUT UP! NO WAY! 4: Fufufu, what an amusing sight. How does it feel, Prima? Your subordinate is looking at your body with lust. So weak and feeble. That's why I don't need humans to serve me. Aahhh, I can barely contain myself. This is far more entertaining than those theater plays that my father used to take me to. 5: Ahh... but I think I should stop playing around. We still haven't finished your modification, after all. Despite the fact that you now have a form that's worthy to serve by my side, you still have the mindset of a lowly mutt. Go to hell! See? That's exactly what I mean. It's all within my calculations though. After the next stage, you will be perfect in both body and mind.


when do you think that you will begin to color the pages?


I cant wait to see the finished product!

Vinicius Paiva

Yep, she’s definitely a perverted lesbian