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Another update for liquid mercury sketch. I hope you guy enjoy it. Also some edited on page 9 too.

As alway if you want to help me with grammar or have any suggestion to a dialouge feel free to post it in the comment.

Life lesson I've learned this week. There is never let's take a break and play short game of Civilization 6. It's let throw all the time away and play it until morning.



Rökkr Ragnarok

Uuuum… are these pages in the right order? That last one looks like it should be first?

11Panithi Lopas



Page 9 had already been post. This one is a minor edited so I figure i put it on the last page of this post. Sorry for confusion.

Vinicius Paiva

Will you allow the previous version of Liquid Mercury to be on CarthagePlate’s hands?

Jaegar Media

I love seeing your rough sketches as much if not more than the finished line art.


Mercury's finally here, well kind of but awesome! Her design is so simple but great and pretty. And Amelia is deliciously villainous. So is Prima Mercury her full name or temporary? Also the Bio-Metal name is cool, I personally came up with the name Nanoids in my headcanon. Also yeah, Civ would steal your life away.


I love this comic!! Tg transformation Symbiose very good


in the last page you have "Ahhh what a cut voice you have" Should that be cute not cut?


There she is!


Oh wonderful stuff!

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Is Mercury having an orgasm right now?


S/he's so beautiful! Liquid Mercury was my first encounter with your work on DA I think, and to this day the original image set + sequels are right near the top of the list of my favorite things. Everything about the concept just works IMHO, and I'm so glad you took the opportunity to retell the story now that your skills have leveled up considerably in the intervening years. Sorry for not commenting on other posts thus far. I've been... elsewhere, or something, but hopefully will be less so going forward.


9.1.1 Oh Mr. Miller, you're looking much better already, like a modern art piece. 9.1.2 "liquid metal mercury base alloy body" {That's a lot of words. I would advocate for dropping 1 or 2 of whichever you deem to be the less important ones from this description.} flexible isn't it? => flexible, is it not? 9.1.3 It has taken me years to craft the perfect alloy for my Mercury Project. Some of the material came from as far away as the Moon. You should be honored, Mr. Miller, you are now a billion credit man. 9.1.4 But we are not done yet, I intend to craft your form into one more to my liking. 9.1.5 move => move around 9.2.1 Received command => Command received. to a => according to 9.2.2 Not only will you be deadlier, Mr. Miller 9.2.3 AH GAH => GAAAHH muscle... => muscles flowing like water! 9.3.1 But you will be beautiful as well. 9.3.2 Am I... shrinking? 9.4.1 ...for the finest blades are also works of art. 9.4.2 Dammit => Damnit, 9.5.1 Oh Mr. Miller, if only you could see yourself now. You look just like an adorable clay doll that I can shape in any way I desire. 9.5.2 that => this 9.5.3 far => far, are at the => are in into new => into a new 9.5.4 you => your


10.1.1 Command received. Setting body type parameter to Female. 10.1.2 It's moving again => I can feel [everything] moving again! 10.1.4 turn => turned 10.2.1 Which size size => What size breasts 10.3.2 Cute and small? => Small and cute? {This is like, one of those ear sound things. Not sure there is an objective reason for one order or the other.} 10.3.3 it => [weight / weights] {Not having boobs, I don't know if one would be more likely to describe them suddenly appearing as a singular weight, or two separate weights...} 10.4.2 Or perhaps something with a bit more heft. 10.5.1 Yes, medium is better. or Yes, medium is premium. {This is a straight-up meme (flat is justice; oppai is truth), but I thought I'd offer it just in case.} 10.5.2 lump => lumps jusr => just a breast => breasts 10.5.3 Huh...!? They even jiggle? 10.6.2 You sick freak!! Why are you turning our commander into a girl!? 10.6.3 fetish => fetish, 10.7.2 This is simply a necessary part of the experiment. Mass redistribution must be tested, and swapping genders is the most logical way. {Amelia said on page 9 that she intended to bring Mercury's form more in line with her tastes, so her claiming that T&A are not part her personal preferences seems disingenuous.} 10.7.3 You both => You're hand => hands 10.7.4 Quiet down please, we are about to reach the best part.


11.1.1 Increasing rear density... 11.2.1 Task completed. => Task complete. 11.2.2 Beginning removal of incompatible member... {incompatiple => incompatible} 11.2.4 Removal complete. Planing surface. Body type parameter reconciliation [process] complete. 11.3.1 Beautiful... Your body has been sculpted to perfection. What a shame you cannot to see the results at present. You poor thing, it must feel so suffocating to be unable to move, speak, or even see. 11.3.2 Bare => Bear minute Mr. Miller => more minutes, Mr. Miller. fit perfectly for => will pair perfectly with 11.4.1 Adjustment complexity level Type A. Increasing mercury temperature... {mercry => mercury} 11.4.2 face it's => face is 11.5.1 Material has reached optimal sculpting temperature. Ready to receive parameters. {Meterial => Material} 11.5.2 anything => anything. 11.6.1 recieved => received Begin mapping facial features according to user input... 11.6.2 being molded => feels like it's melting


12.1.1 Facial => Face 12.1.2 Rendering aesthetic features... 12.2.1 Synthesizing artificial vocal cords... Testing vocal system... {Tasting => Testing} 12.2.2 Ah... Ah... Ah... => Ah... Ee... Ii... Oo... Uu... or Ah... Ah... Ah... => Ah... Ii... Uu... Ee... Oo... {I thought it might be cute to run through some sounds. The Japanese vowel order sounds much more familiar to me, because reasons, but that's probably not the same for most English speakers.} 12.2.3 is operational => online. 12.3.1 Creating sensor housing... 12.3.2 the main => main 12.4.1 online... => online. 12.5.1 Face construction successful. Initiating final checks... 12.5.4 unit a default. => unit default.


13.1.1 Connecting personality fragment to primary control system. 13.2.1 Gasp!... Ah!... It feels like I'm being electrocuted! 13.2.2 Constructing artificial nervous system. Creating external control pathways. Connecting personality fragment to chassis. 13.2.3 Ha... Ah... My senses are all coming back at once! 13.3.5 Oh my, what a cute voice you have... Phase 2 of Project Mercury is a success thanks to you, Mr. Miller. 13.3.8 You're => You are Prima Mercury. => Mercury Prime, (?) of new => of a new {The only place I can recall hearing "prima" used is in "prima ballerina", which is apropos in its own way, but "XYZ Prime" is much more common I think. Rolls off my tongue better anyway, but ultimately you can name things whatever you want.}

Vinicius Paiva

Maybe her name could be Diane Mercury, just like in CarthagePlate’s story