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It's the last day of March! The difference between last month and today is enormous. Last month it was cold and rainy, today the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the first fluffly green leaves are growing. I'm so excited to spend more time outside and to finally wear some lighter spring coats for once, haha. Here's a little review of how this month has gone for me:


I feel like my art this month has been a mix of all sorts of different moods and subjects. Some has been super colorful, some has been more muted, some has been more storytelling focused and some of it is purely for visual appeal. I guess I sometimes go through these phases where I feel more scatterbrained and focus on any random thing that I feel like doing that day! I worry that I’m not focusing enough on one thing, but it is a lot more fun to dabble in different things.


I had so much fun making this month’s tutorial on making your sketch presentable!. It was based on a suggestion by a patron, and I would have never thought of it myself. But making it made me realize how important presentabality is in my work! For next month’s tutorial, I’ll be tackling clothing, which I’m also excited to do and I have a lot of thoughts on!


In the next couple of months, I’m going to spend more and more time on my upcoming artbook, which will be about my style. I played around with that idea by drawing the stylization study I did this month, and I’ll probably be doing more exercises like that. It helps me think about the subject and formulate my thoughts on the idea! I’d also love to do a Q&A about the topic of artistic style next month, because I know a lot of people have questions about it. So if there’s something specific you’d like me to talk about in a Q&A session about style, feel free to post it below or send it to me directly! 

As always, thanks so much for your support! I'll be sending out links to this month's google drive folder today. If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to share them with me here or e-mail to loishh@gmail.com. Any and all feedback is welcome! I hope you’ll continue to be my patron and enjoy the content coming up next month! ❤



Oh no... I've already backed one art book, planning to back another in April.... And now will also need this so have to back it as well XD So much money going to art books.. I'm a hoarder of them. Can't wait!


I can't wait to add your third Art book to my shelf with the other 2 ! Please do let us patrons know when we can start backing the Kickstarter 😊


Another art book?? Oh my gosh, that's so exciting!


haha kickstarter can be so tempting sometimes! the book will be available after the KS campaign too, so you can always buy it in 2022 if you prefer :)


ahh thanks so much for the support! at the moment it's scheduled for september!


I love your books and cannot wait to back the next kickstarter!


Style question: what are good exercises and techniques to use when developing a personal style? Also, that's exciting about the new artbook!!


i’m very looking forward to your new artbook!


Looking forward to the clothing tutorial!


yess that's such a good question! I'm going to actually be putting some exercises in the book, but i'll talk about it more in a Q&A as well :)


style question: at what point do you allow your own creativity and imagination take over the drawing process after having been inspired by other resources, because I remember you saying the film “The Little Mermaid” was a huge inspiration to your art. I’m also so excited to buy your book!!!


that's a great question! to give a really quick & short answer, I try to draw things completely from the imagination in the early steps, and then use more reference later on when I need help figuring out specific things like hands or textures.


Question for the q&a -- how do you stay focused yet creative? I know intuition is such a big part of how you opperate. Do you have nay tips for balancing that with keeping specific goals in mind?


Question about style: How intuitive or deliberate do you allow your style to be? For example would you ever go as far as developing something along the lines of a style guide (like they’d use in animation) or just allow your inspirations to develop on the page as they will? Can’t wait for the new kickstarter! ^_^


Question about style: How intuitive or deliberate do you allow your style to be? For example would you ever go as far as developing something along the lines of a style guide (like they’d use in animation) or just allow your inspirations to develop on the page as they will? Can’t wait for the new kickstarter! ^_^


Questions about style: How do you get your brain to let go of attempting to replicate something exactly and substitute with stylized shapes instead? I find that I can immitate what I see, i.e., other people's art. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to stylize a photo of something, and I REALLY want to be able to make that leap.

Loish (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-18 11:15:28 thanks for this question! I will talk about it more in the Q&A! but for now, I think it has a lot to do with picking a specific aspect that I want to focus on, and using that as my guide. So if I want to make it more about movement, I will push the shapes that create movement. If i want to make it more about light, I'll exaggerate that aspect. This tutorial talks about that in more detail: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-warmups-47743894
2021-04-06 08:52:02 thanks for this question! I will talk about it more in the Q&A! but for now, I think it has a lot to do with picking a specific aspect that I want to focus on, and using that as my guide. So if I want to make it more about movement, I will push the shapes that create movement. If i want to make it more about light, I'll exaggerate that aspect. This tutorial talks about that in more detail: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-warmups-47743894

thanks for this question! I will talk about it more in the Q&A! but for now, I think it has a lot to do with picking a specific aspect that I want to focus on, and using that as my guide. So if I want to make it more about movement, I will push the shapes that create movement. If i want to make it more about light, I'll exaggerate that aspect. This tutorial talks about that in more detail: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-warmups-47743894


thanks for this interesting question chloe! I just go with the flow but this is an interesting question to tackle in more detail!