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Here’s part 3 of the Q&A videos about the business side of being an artist! Again, some people walk by in the hallway behind me, sorry about that. 

 In this video I talk about: 

• Planning and organizing: particularly about weekly / monthly self-reflection to figure out where you’re at and check the balance between client and personal work. 

• Budgeting for fluctuating income 

• Maintaining passion for your art.

Some links based on stuff I mentioned in the video: 

• The friend I mentioned is Rengin Tumer! Find her work here:  https://www.rengintumer.com/ 

• The book that I based my overall organizing approach on is called GRIP and it doesn’t really have an english translation yet but it’s on its way and will hopefully be published soon. The dutch version can be found here: https://gripboek.nl/

• The financial stuff I was talking about is called Financial Independence and there’s more info about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_independence. To be clear, I don’t think this is a realistic path forward for most people since it involves saving a HUGE amount of your income which is just not feasible in a realistic situation. But some of the principles, like lowering your expenses, are really good ones to live by for people who need to brace themselves for income fluctuations! 

I hope you find these useful and can get something out of it! I think I tried to tackle a HUGE range of topics in one go, which might have resulted in some generalistic answers for some of the topics. I would love to do more of these types of videos in the future but then focused on a smaller topic, so I can really dive into the details. Let me know what you thought of this!! Any feedback is welcome. Thanks guys! 



Christian Müller

Thank for the 3 videos, it's always good to see how other artists solve those things and what you think about them.


That was so good! Thanks for sharing


I just want to say thank you SO much for these videos. After listening to how you approached your work with clients I finally had the courage to tell a really persistent client that I didn't want to continue with the project he had me on anymore. It had been a really stressful job that I didn't feel was a good fit for me for literal years and it feels great to move on. Honestly it never even occurred to me that I could tell a client 'no, not for me,' so thank you!! (Also very envious of the Netherlands having that safety net to teach new self-employed people about taxes, I really wish I had that because I was one of those naive people who really needed it haha! Well done Netherlands)


Thanks, Lois! This was super helpful. I've been doing freelance work on and off for about 8 years now and keep feeling scared of not doing it right. It's reassuring to know that there isn't just one way of doing things.


thank you for these.


that's awesome! sometimes you just have to give yourself permission to take a step like that. sounds like it was the right step! as for that system in the netherlands, yeah that definitely saved me haha! no idea if they still do that since it was already more than 10 years ago. maybe i lucked out! but they have a general culture here of investing in preventative measures to make sure things don't get out of control. they'd rather invest in better resources than deal with the fallout of tons of tax debt from people who have no funds to pay it back.. in the long run the latter is more expensive. anyway i'm glad you liked the videos!! :)


It's a really smart system! That makes sense that it would actually save them money too, not having to chase people who can't afford to pay back tax debt. Thanks again for your insight :)


Lois these videos are SO brilliant. I’ve been freelance for years and didn’t think there was much I could learn here but I was so wrong! This has been so enlightening. Thank you 💖


loved watching these. I've been struggling with the idea of freelancing for a while now and you covered a lot of stuff I had truble with before. So it was really helpful and I also liked just having a glimpse into a part of your life as a creator and business owner.


Holy cow, that "intense anger" and irritation about briefs and client emails is something I've been feeling a lot recently! Luckily, I came to the same conclusion - to take a break from client work. Thank you for these videos - they're really insightful!

Charlie Carter

Thank you so much for taking the time to make these videos and try and answer these questions! One of my frustrations about art school is how little of this stuff they cover and I'm currently getting my Master's so I've been in school for several years now lol. I was wondering if you could explain your plan/how you planned out your Patreon? I know so many artists are doing these now and it seems like it's going really successfully for you.


good one! will definitely cover that topic in the future.


I feel the same way! I try to forecast my week or day - but I also try to reflect on it. At first I was really harsh to myself - beating myself up for not completing every single task of my initial planning. Now I look at it in a more organic way - allowing myself to have some "wiggle-room" in how the day or week goes.


that's so good! I feel like the more regularly you do it, the more you get into the flow and know that you can't always keep up with everything. you learn to prioritize better.


I have to say, in these strange times it just felt really great watching you talk at length over a cup of coffee, while I was enjoying my own coffee. Like, pretending to be in a café. Hmm, that could be a pandemic business model :D


hehehe it is a soothing kind of social interaction! i want to do another one of these soon, it felt so good to talk to you guys, even if you all weren't in the room.


Hey Loish ! Thank you so much for all the tips and advice 😊 The time slot method /blocking out hours for specific tasks has truly revolutionized my work flow over the last 8 months  and helped me get less overwhelmed by the work I need to carry out . In addition to the books you've listed above would there be any other self help books that you could recommend ? Ones that you have personally found to be useful in maintaining routine and discipline 😅

Loish (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 23:02:18 hey rohan! I'm so happy to hear that you found it helpful!! there's really only one book that helped me with that and it's GRIP by rick pastoor (I think I talk about that in the Q&A). the english version is on its way and should be out really soon so keep an eye out for it!
2021-04-20 07:57:56 hey rohan! I'm so happy to hear that you found it helpful!! there's really only one book that helped me with that and it's GRIP by rick pastoor (I think I talk about that in the Q&A). the english version is on its way and should be out really soon so keep an eye out for it!

hey rohan! I'm so happy to hear that you found it helpful!! there's really only one book that helped me with that and it's GRIP by rick pastoor (I think I talk about that in the Q&A). the english version is on its way and should be out really soon so keep an eye out for it!


Thanks so much Loish ! I've just subscribed to get an email notification when it's out and look forward to reading it 😊