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Hey there! Another quick teaser of what's coming in the Deserters mod.

This mod adds three new types of shells. I actually created little infographics for them so I will slap them here.

This video is rather short, but it shows cluster and shrapnel shells in action!



hopefully we can get a proper large calibre armor piercing anti tank crewed turret at some point like the 75 mm or 88 mm guns


Came to the conclusion that VFE-Pirate field guns loaded with armor-piercing shells does the job just fine.


Can't wait to see how the Medieval Overhaul people find a way to put a Medieval spin on this mod and its mechanics. Gonna be tons of fun!


Those shrapnel shells are so cool


This looks like it will be a fun addition to our options for combat


This looks fantastic, I didnt know I needed it. How will the shrapnel and AP shells interact with the upcoming vehicles expanded mod? My guess would be that AP is an effective countermeasure, especially for tanks or APCs. Also, I would love to see these shells and others available for use in VFE Mechanoids' automortars, instead of just HE shells. Is that a limitation, or intended balance choice?


Shrapnel shells are just standard bullets so not super effective against vehicles. AP shells have very small blast radius but hit the vehicle with 80 damage and complete armor piercing. Ideal for tanks. Automortars do indeed have a limitation allowing them to only use HE shells. Opening up the selection to all shells would require remaking them.


Could we eventually see something like white phosphorus so like smoke+fire


Techite discs already do that in Deserter quest locations so it's not outside of the realm of possibility!


What about a reward tier SMART shell that sends out homing projectiles upon detonation, sort of like the Swarm Launcher in VWE - Heavy? Might fit a different mod but an area-denial shell that deploys mini-IED mines around the point of impact or even one that spawns manhunting parasite creatures like the HL2 Headcrab Shells would be cool too!


So the infographic seems to suggest that you can buy the techprint from the Empire that will teach you to make these shells, but the Deserters don't have the techprint, just a supply of shells that they will sell you?


Also does this mod intend to do anything to explain WHY the Deserters have turned against the Empire, or do you leave that up to the player's imagination?


Is there any way you could incorporate these shells into IEDs?


Every plot mission has a unique description explaining what's the intention behind assassinating the nobility. The gist is: Empire has shattered. They are a mere twisted shadow of what they used to be. Pampered nobles want to cling onto the old world order, boasting their royal titles, vassalizing settlements and abusing the populace. Deserters figured that the best way to adapt to the new world is abandoning the old ways of pre-shattering Sophiamunda - the reason deserters appear in caravans of outlander factions and in pirate raids is because they believe it's better to disband the empire and just live among the people that came before. They want to join the world community, while empire is against that.


You can use contraband system to buy virtually anything the Empire has. Including techprints.


I think it would also be pretty interesting if there was a shell that was a direct upgrade from the High-Explosive shell but weaker than the antigrain warhead, kinda like a step in between them. More like an endgame solution to overcrowded groups that have decent to high levels of armor.

Dimitry Minchenkov

Unstable Plasma Shell. Since this mod is inspired by XCOM and in XCOM plasma grenade is a direct upgrade of the conventional frag grenade.

Dimitry Minchenkov

No, that's the proposed name of the upgraded shells! VFE Deserters is just heavily inspired by XCOM. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if there are already Unstable Plasma Shells somewhere in the workshop :)


I’m not too keen on adding ‘upgrades’. Upgrades are boring and overshadow other content. Why ever build HE shells when you can just build the upgrades ones? No, we definitely prefer unique functionality over direct upgrades


I think its like how industrial level weaponry can find its way into a spacer colony. It doesn't become obsolete but rather it becomes secondary. Just as like you may prefer to not use charged weaponry on expendable pawns. But i can see why you'd view it as boring


Can confirm we just did that. You can build shrapnel, cluster and anti-armor IEDs and even Remote charges.