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Hello world! Hello beautiful people. I bring to you an updated development roadmap for June 2023.

There is some fine new addition to the roadmap, but before we tackle them, lets sum up what has changed.

Vanilla Vehicles Expanded has finished testing. I am more than happy with the state of it - all of the bugs have been squashed, the vehicles are working like a charm, and we are already going full speed to Tier 3 vehicles, which will be even more 'dope' and 'based'. Is that what kids say nowadays?

We are, however, waiting for Vehicle Framework to release before we can launch vehicles. To those of you who don't know what Vehicle Framework is, it's a framework for adding vehicles to RimWorld, created my Smash Phil. He's been developing it for years and he's down to the last 2 or 3 bugs before he can launch it. He's currently preoccupied with work on Cursed Crew - our own video game - as we're planning a major update in the coming days. Hopefully after the update has released, he will find the time to finish Vehicle Framework and launch it on Steam, and as soon as he does, you will get your Vanilla Vehicles Expanded.

To reiterate: Stop asking when it's coming out. It's out of my control now. My part is done, we're just waiting for the framework. And you don't want to get the framework with the remaining bugs. They're not small bugs. One of them stops you from being able to reform the caravan, so yeah. One way vehicles? Not really cool.

Work on Vanilla Factions Expanded - Deserters is going great. Let me paste the recently completed tasks to keep your excitement up and also inform you what stage the development is on:

■ Code the Intel going out of date system as per Intel and Critical Intel.

■ Code remote detonation of Remote Charges.

■ Code Shrapnel Shell behavior and Cluster Shell behavior.

■ Code C# mechanics for Surveillance Pillar, Aerodrone battery pack, Aerodrone munitions, Strike buoy, Techite disc stack.

■ Code changing firing modes on Charge Cycler.

■ Code remote detonation of the bomb pack.

■ Code gizmo that grants invisibility and the invisibility itself on Invisibility Engulfer.

■ Code Biodecoder.

■ Code Psychic Amplifier.

■ Code Deserter Declassifier.

■ Start looking into the Deserter Network, notably Accessing Deserter Network and Contraband System.

■ Code Absolver Raid.

■ Code Visibility Level special effects.

■ Code Aerodrone Bombardment event.

■ Code Imperial Patrol Caravan Event.

■ Code Imperial Propaganda.

■ Code Imperial Propaganda Drop.

■ Code Divine Inferno.

■ Create map segments for Supply Depot Raids

■ Create map segments for Aerodrone Station Sabotage

■ Create map segments for Imperial Convoy

■ Create map segments for Shuttle Staging Post

Really not much left on it. We have to code the actual quests with procedurally generated imperial outposts, but that shouldn't be too hard. Then we have to create map modules for procedural mansion generation for assassination plots. Exciting stuff. Oh yeah, and we still have to code the end game in which you bring down the imperial flagship. So excite!

We have of course released Vanilla Races Expanded - Wasters. We also had a poll on Patreon and it turns out, 50% of you is degenerates who want a highmate expansion next, so that's what I already started designing. Full spec of the mod will be available on Patreon within the next few days so you can voice your 'reeeee' and say how you can ditch RJW with my new additions.

The two new additions to the roadmap are as follows:

Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Hemosage module, introducing a brand new, sanguophage specific psycaster path called Hemosage.

Hemosages are powerful, elder psycasters that use their connection with an engine of evil and their bloody curse to inflict pain and manipulate matter in vile, wicked ways. Relying on hemogen, they can drain and leech life from everyone around them, instilling incredible pain and even worse nightmares. Only those that have access to the power of hemogen can become a true hemosage.

Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Animat module introduces a path you have seen announced back when we released Vanilla Psycasts Expanded.

The most sacred of the tribal professions, animats are in direct psychic contact with the anima trees. They can connect to the tree and use it to their advantage, be it through creating powerful anima screams that resonate like an echo from every tree and obelisk in range, or by imprinting the anima tree with the psycasting knowledge, essentially teaching the tree how to be a psycaster itself.

That's it for this roadmap post. I will see you all soon with more information, and if you're not a patron yet, I sincerely recommend you become one! For just one dollar a month you get regular email updates about our development process, giving you an early look into what's coming.

And for a single payment of $15 (Jade tier, if not sold out) or $25 (Gold tier) you get access to our Vanilla Expanded discord where you can hang out with me and other developers and see us in action! The access is permanent, and you're not getting kicked if you unsubscribe the next month!




There is literally 0 chance that anyone will get a catgirls mod and then *stop* using rjw


New patron and didn’t realize we’d get spoiled with roadmaps! Incredible work on all this. Super excited for the Hemosage path too! Would low to even see toggleable passives that increase hemogen drain. Would finally give me a justification for my blood farms since the vanilla drain-rate is so low :)


In regards to both vanilla hygiene expanded and vanilla rituals. I understand why both of these have been pulled as i have been keeping up with the roadmaps. Are they in the same spot as rim effect and the witcher, to be shelved and possibly brought back in the pipeline at a future date or did the team decide not to bother?


Hygiene expanded was never, EVER, planned. Well, that's a lie, it was planned 3 years ago, very briefly, after which it was cancelled. It was only shown on Aprils Fools roadmap. It was a joke, and we have no plans for it now. As for Rituals Expanded - it's not up to us. If the programmer decides to come back to modding, she will finish the mod. If not, we will not recreate it from scratch.


Ok thanks for clearing things up Oskar. As for the roadmap, I'm looking forward to it all. Best of luck to you and the team. 🙂


Is the Insectoid Psycast still being planned or has that one been scrapped?


Are the vehicles compatible with ((((🔫🤠🌵)))) out of the box or do we need to wait for a patch?


Holding strong for VRE lycanthrope. Can't wait to see what you guys cook up


Now I want psycasts for highmates


Would be so cool if lycanthropes were created by a rival archotech


No problem lol I'm still excited, hope for a Toxic or Pollution based on sometime in the future.


Ooh, very interested in the two new psycast paths, guess I'm not finishing up my vamp/anima heavy run just yet... I do feel like some of the existing paths could do with revamping for Biotech. Protector casts to increase/decrease fertility (not just for humans; a low-tech Sterilize and reversal would be nifty) and maybe to ease childbirth or terminate pregnancy; Empathy or Archon casts to buff a child's learn rate; Chronopath casts as an alternative to growth vats, or maybe as an alternative to buffing the learn rate, slow a child's age progression without slowing learn rate; Technomancer casts to interact with mechanoids. There's probably room for an entire tree for genetics. Temporarily suppress a gene, borrow one from somebody else, reroll which ones are active when somebody has conflicting genes, perhaps guide genetic outcomes when conceiving. Actually, those fertility/pregnancy casts could go in this one instead of messing with Protector.


Is there gonna be some interaction between sanguophages and lycans?