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Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new development blog. We're returning to the topic of Androids, as we're even closer to having the mod finished.

I have previously covered the general basics of what the mod will entail. This time, I will be focusing on all the structures you will be able to build and interact with in the mod.


A new research project is a part of this mod. We needed a research project to properly gate the androids behind some mech-tech related research. We want this to feel like a branch of mechtech.


The advanced technology needed to create and control ultra-tier androids - a complete replacement of organic colonists, capable of all the same tasks and activities without the drawbacks usually associated with humans.

Research Project required: High Mechtech
Tech level: Ultra


Several new buildings for neutroamine chain are added in this mod. These are used both for Android making as well as Sleeve making in VFE-Ultratech. If you're running both mods, they will  both add this neutroamine network system, but you won't actually see two of everything in your game, don't worry!


“Light, sterile pipes for transporting the liquid neutroamine in bulk to and from tanks.”

Pipes that transport Neutroamine between neutroamine-requiring appliances.

It requires 4 Silver to construct.

It’s unlocked with Androidtech technology.


“A light, sterile liquid storage tank meant for storing neutroamine delivered via neutro pipe network. Usually needed for machinery capable of synthesizing lifeforms, which otherwise consume far too much neutroamine to be reasonably refilled manually.”

An extremely volatile tank that stores Neutroamine. It needs to be connected with Neutro pipes to fill up.

2x3 in size. Has a bar in the middle that fills up as the tank fills up. It should fill with a light blue color.

It requires 400 Silver to construct.

It’s unlocked with Androidtech technology.

It should be placed in the Biotech tab.

It can store up to 200 Neutroamine in it.

It does not detonate when damaged.

Neutro tanks allow players to extract Neutroamine. A gizmo on the tank should be labeled as Extract 20 Neutroamine. It should be greyed out if there isn’t 20 Neutroamine in the tank.

When pressed, it should designate the tank for extraction, similar to how flicking designates a building to be flicked on/off. A pawn should approach it (basic work type, like flicking) and do quick work. It should then drop 20 Neutroamine on the ground.


“A hopper-like storage basin meant to hold dispensed neutroamine from tanks periodically for use later.”

A tap acts like a 1x1 storage shelf. It spews out the Neutroamine item until it reaches the stack size set by the player. The player can set the stack size using already made gizmos. If a pawn takes Neutroamine from it, it spews out Neutroamine again.

It requires 60 Steel to construct.

It’s 1x1 in size, non-rotatable.

It’s unlocked with Androidtech technology.


“A hopper-like storage basin meant to input neutroamine into the network, filling up connected tanks.”

A drain that is essentially a 1x1 shelf that accepts ONLY neutroamine, and puts it inside the network.

It requires 60 Steel to construct.

It’s 1x1 in size, not rotatable.

It’s unlocked with Androidtech technology.


Various new buildings are required to construct androids.


A sizable device that features a pod equipped with numerous tissue probes and advanced neural scanners. Designed to accommodate one person at a time, the system requires four separate individuals to undergo scanning in sequence. Upon insertion, the polyanalyzer engages the probes and scanners to analyze the neuro-psychic patterns of each individual.

Utilizing a sophisticated algorithm, the device fuses these distinct patterns into a single, intricate persona after all four individuals have been scanned. This composite persona is then digitally transferred into a new composite-tier persona subcore. The process may cause temporary discomfort and disorientation for the participants but leaves them otherwise unharmed.

Persona subcores created by this device can only be used to create complex, human-like androids.

Android subcore-making workbench

Cost: 200 Steel, 150 Plasteel, 3 Advanced Components
Required Research Project: Androidtech
Market Value: TBD Silver
HP: 300
Flammability: 100%
Size: 2 ˣ 3
Mass: 25 kg
Minifiable: True
Placeable: True
Passability: pass through only
Cover Effectiveness: 30%
Terrain Affordance: Light
Power: -150 W
Skill Required: Construction 5
Work To Make: 8,000 ticks (1.39 mins)

ArchitectTab: Biotech

This subcore creation workbench works in a very similar manner to subcore softscanner. A progress bar is integrated into the structure, informing players about the progress of the process.

A persona subcore requires 10 Plasteel and 1 Advanced component to create. Then, a human must sit in the scanner for 3,750 ticks (1.04 mins). The person then receives scanning sickness for 120,000 ticks (2 in-game days).

This however is not the end of the process. Once one human sits on the scanner, the progress bar on the scanner moves 25%. However, another 3 people need to be then designated to sit on the scanner for the progress to reach 100%. Same person cannot sit twice on the same scanner making the same subcore.


A high-tier android brain designed as an intricate psychodynamic substrate unit, capable of supporting an advanced subpersona. This subcore is engineered to power complex and universal human-like androids. The subpersona contained within this core equals that of a live human in complexity, but is specifically programmed not to feel emotions and is confined within the core to prevent development into a fully-fledged AI.

To create such a sophisticated subcore, the composite patterns from multiple minds are integrated using advanced algorithms and precise analog transfers, without causing harm to the subjects. The Persona subcore stands as a testament to the fusion of human intellect and cutting-edge ultratechnology.

  • MarketValue: 2000
  • StackLimit: 10
  • Mass: 1 kg
  • HP: 100
  • DeteriorationRate: 2
  • Flammability: 60%
  • CraftedAt: Subcore Polyanalyzer

ResourcesToMake: 10 Plasteel, 1 Advanced Component


A workbench equipped with molecular printing technology to produce singular replacement parts for synthetic lifeforms.

Android part-making workbench

Cost: 220 Steel , 8x Component
Required Research Project: Androidtech
Market Value: TBD Silver
HP: 300
Flammability: 100%
Path Cost: 50
Size: 3 ˣ 1
Mass: 40 kg
Minifiable: True
Placeable: True
Passability: pass through only
Cover Effectiveness: 50%
Terrain Affordance: Heavy
Power: -250 W
Facility: Tool Cabinet
Skill Required: Construction 8
Work To Make: 5,000 ticks (1.39 mins)

This workbench is used to create all the Android components that are ultimately needed to repair damaged androids, as they wouldn’t heal any other way.


A manufacturing station capable of assembling an android from a variety of materials and advanced components. The android’s appearance is almost completely customizable, however it is limited to imitations of baseline humans.\n\nDepending on the hardware and subroutine composition of an android, the work to create one and the resources required to do it might vary.

Android building station

Cost: 360 Steel , 6x Advanced Component, 6x Component
Required Research Project: Androidtech
Market Value: TBD Silver
HP: 300
Flammability: 100%
Path Cost: 50
Size: 3 ˣ 3
Mass: 40 kg
Minifiable: True
Placeable: True
Passability: pass through only
Cover Effectiveness: 50%
Terrain Affordance: Heavy
Power: -350 W
Facility: Tool Cabinet
Skill Required: Construction 8
Work To Make: 10,000 ticks (3.28 mins)

This workbench is in a way similar to warcasket foundry. This is where Androids are created. Player can at any point select one of their pawns, right-click the Android Creation Station and select ‘Create an Android’ gizmo.

We will go deeper into android creation process in a separate blog post.


A casket specially designed for use by androids undergoing operations, or suffering from neutroloss as it can cycle and replace any missing neutroamine. There must be neutroamine available, either stored locally or sourced with a pipe network.\n\nThe maximum amount of neutroamine an android can hold is 100 units, but they can operate with minimal functions at 50 units.

Android-only special casket

Cost: 180 Steel , 4x Component
Required Research Project: Androidtech
Market Value: TBD Silver
HP: 250
Flammability: 100%
Path Cost: 42
Size: 1 ˣ 2
Mass: 30 kg
Minifiable: True
Placeable: True
Passability: pass through only
Cover Effectiveness: 50%
Terrain Affordance: Medium
Power: -40W
Skill Required: Construction 6
Work To Make: 3,200 ticks (53.33 seconds)

Neutrocasket is a special kind of medical bed for androids. It needs to be fueled with neutroamine (or connected to neutroamine pipes).

It acts as a medical bed for androids, which means whenever there are any operations to be made, androids will use neutrocaskets to wait for the surgeon.

If an android is ‘rescued’ from the battlefield, they are primarily carried to neutrocaskets, not medical beds.

Whenever an android is on the neutrocasket and has a Neutroloss hediff, it will automatically drain neutroamine from the network and reduce the neutroloss hediff.

1 unit of neutroamine reduces neutroloss by 1%. This means that in order to fix 100% neutroloss, an android would need to be pumped with 100 neutroamine.

It will not refill neutroamine if there is a bleeding wound on the pawn, to prevent wasting this precious resource. Remember: Androids don't die when they lose all neutroamine.


A wireless interface that allows an android to rapidly free up consumed memory space. Considerably more efficient than running in sleep mode, as the stand executes the conversion externally.

Android-only ‘bed’

Cost: TBD
Required Research Project: Android creation
Market Value: TBD Silver
HP: 100
Flammability: 100%
Path Cost: 42
Size: 1 ˣ 1
Mass: 10 kg
Minifiable: False
Placeable: True
Passability: pass through only
Cover Effectiveness: 20%
Terrain Affordance: Light
Power: -40W
Work To Make: 1,200 ticks

Android stand acts as a bed for Androids. It can have Androids assigned to it. Androids don’t lie down on it - they stand up.

They can make their way to their Android Stand during their ‘sleeping’ schedule and will wait on it, regenerating Memory Space at a rate of 10% per second.


A reprogramming station used to imbue desirable traits and skills onto an android. Onboard software allows even complete beginners to modify an android’s personality, however a more intellectually talented user will spend less time needing to follow tutorials.

Android training station

Cost: 160x Steel , 4x Advanced Components, 4x Components, 20x Gold
Required Research Project: Androidtech
Market Value: TBD Silver
HP: 300
Flammability: 100%
Path Cost: 50
Size: 2 ˣ 2
Mass: 40 kg
Minifiable: True
Rotatable: True
Placeable: True
Passability: pass through only
Cover Effectiveness: 50%
Terrain Affordance: Medium
Power: -250 W
Skill Required: Construction 8
Work To Make: 5,000 ticks (1.39 mins)

This workbench allows players to edit existing androids by adding and removing subroutines.

I hope you lot enjoyed this development blog. I'm honestly really excited about our spin on the Androids. We've added quite a few new subroutines lately, inspired by your comments under the last post, so I'm excited to showcase them as well!

I will catch you all very soon!



Looks sick! I hope they aren't totally locked down to looking like humans though, I wouldn't mind being able to forgo the human cosplay and go full metal. Since the standard model is emotionless I feel like some android builders would want to avoid the uncanny valley of a slave race of "how do you do fellow humans".


Do they bleed blue?


Oh great Android father Oskar I must ask how customizable are these androids for the appearance end?


If a man wrote a mod for a pipe system by God he's going to use it. Can't wait for RJW integration with another liquid! I see you held back on the Westworld references in the building graphics. Shame, hoped for at least the iconic host dipping.


Will the androids be able to install cortical stacks from the altered carbon mod?


Pawncrafter, the mod


Rimworld + Android = Westworld


Building on that, how will they interact with the corresponding memes in a ideology? Will pawns that want stacks ignore that androids dont/cant have those; will androids ignore the "need" to have a stack? Same thing with sleeves?


VFE-Ultratech isn't out yet, and I never confirmed what and if there will be Ideology integration in it. So, that means it's not a problem for now :P


I hope this becomes possible when VFE-Ultratech is added - shedding the feeble flesh in favour of undying machinery seems like the kind of thing that'd make certain Transhumanists happy. Given the complicated relationship with AI, even Glitterworlds are unlikely to facilitate such pursuits, so it seems the kind of thing that'd happen on the Rim.


They seem to use the "immortal" gene mechanic and only die when the core is destroyed. But what happens if the android runs out of battery?


Will you be able to make androids sleep permanently in the stands as in a shutdown mode? Not consuming TPS/Ticks? Perhaps even removing them from colonist bar? This way we can keep an army of androids at the ready without in-game issues. All the art looks absolutely stunning, but the Android Create Station is the highlight of this mod, oh my god, how amazing it looks! Can't wait to have my colonists Ford and Arnold start working on their theme park.


Well now that I've thought about it... where do they get their energy from? I don't see any charging stations here. Are they using a mechanoid charging station? Or are they able to work autonomously for some time depending on the efficiency of the software, and then require a reactor / battery replacement?


No, the reactor gives them energy. It costs uranium to make, and once it's spent, it turns into toxic wastepacks. They don't have batteries they need to recharge.


This reminds me of the fusion cores in Fallout 4. Where you can see them plugged into buildings providing power for years, or you can use them to power a stompy suit of power armor for a few minutes. Would the reactors be able to be used for things other than androids? So if you capture an android you don't want you can use their reactor to power your base or equipment?


What an awesome mod. Between this and Vehicles I’m not sure what I’m more excited for. Though I feel like this is going to beat vehicles in release time.


Probably not, no. This mod is focused on androids, not some other power generation. The reactor is just uranium and components so one could say any nuclear reactor is that ‘power source’


I have thought of another question do we need humans for subcore Polyanalyzer or could you just use 4 awaken androids


Okay thank you for clarification this helps me plan for whenthis mod comes out <3


Hi, For better mod compatibility and integration, I suggest the following: Move the Neutroamine pipes, tanks, taps and drains into a seperate industrial research project. (And add that project as a second prerequisite for androidtech) The prereq. to this new project could be any of or a combination of, Drug Making, Biofuel Refining and/or Sterile Materials. It makes sense that something as simple as piping and storing an advanced chemical wouldn't be dependent on mechtech and lets players take advantage of the system earlier to "stock up" on neutroamine when they aquire a means of production. And it makes it easier for other mods to take advantage of these pipes without forcing the use of mechtech.


Will androids still be able to use regular beds in addition to the stands? Do regular beds not recharge androids as well as the stands? I imagine pawns who start relationships with androids equipped with 'emotion simulators' would get upset if their lover had to sleep specifically on the time-out square instead of with them.


Androids won't be able to use beds as they have no need to sleep, at all. You are raising a valid point. Let me look into it.


The stands are stated to be wireless, how wireless is wireless? Maybe they could link to a bed the same way a sleep accelerator and the like do?


Wireless in a sense that android doesn't need to get wired to them. They still need power connection etc.


Ah, no, I meant wireless in the same way that you mean wireless. I should've used different wording. For the sake of sleeping with a lover, would it be too much of a stretch for an android to recharge wirelessly from a charging stand that was connected to the head of a bed.


Can awakened androids not voluntarily add subroutines? Some of those are quite beneficial, I'm playing the scenario of the awakened android utopia and it even started me with 2 of the behavior stations, yet all my colonists refuse to use it.