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Hello folks and welcome to yet another mod development blog. Last week I have introduced you to the brand new Vanilla Factions Expanded mod - VFE-Deserters, and now it's time I told you a little bit more about it.

Once you join ranks with the Imperial deserters in order to abolish the Empire, you will enter a whole new type of warfare. Your task is simple: Collect intel on the Empire, and use this intel to perform attacks on Imperial installations.

Large quantities of Intel can be spent to initiate plots - a brand new linear campaign that will eventually have you take down the Imperial flagship. I will cover all available plots at a future date. This week, we will be talking about Intel and how to obtain it, as well as what new quests the mod will introduce.


A dossier containing information about the Shattered Empire. In order to protect the information from the Imperial counterintelligence, the information needs to be stored in a physical form. It can be used to obtain contraband items from the Deserters, or to gain access to quests and even assassination missions on Imperial nobility.

This item is a quest reward item and a raid reward item dropping from Imperial raids, but it’s also used as a currency to obtain quests and items from the deserter network. Throughout the game, player will have to obtain hundreds of Intel in order to work their way up through the Great Hierarchy and destabilize the Empire.

Intel is not tradeable. No one will buy it, no one will sell it.

Intel has 100 Market value.

Intel should weigh very little.

Intel is a raid reward that drops in very low quantities from Imperial raids.

Intel is also a quest reward from Intel-purchased Deserter quests.

Intel is a main currency in the Deserter network. It allows the players to purchase quests and even initiate assassination missions. It can also be used to purchase contraband.

Intel can also be obtained by exchanging Critical Intel.

Intel can ‘spoil’, similar to food, and it spoils even outside of the fridge. When you stack intel together, it averages the spoiling time up, similar to how it works with spoiling food.

  • The text on the info tab should say: Intel will go out of date in: <time>
  • Intel should go out of date in 30 days.
  • When intel goes out of date, the top left should print an alert message: X has gone out of date. Consider using up the intel you gather before it goes out of date.
    • X is the amount of intel and type of intel.


A dossier containing critical information about the Shattered Empire. In order to protect the information from the Imperial counterintelligence, the information needs to be stored in a physical form. It can be used to plan high-profile assassination attempts, but it can also be exchanged into standard intel via the contraband system.

This item is a very rare quest reward and unlike regular intel, doesn’t drop from Imperial raids as a raid reward. It can be used as a currency to obtain very strong items from the contraband system, but it can also be exchanged into 10 standard Intel. Critical intel is required for any Assassination mission of Archcount title and above.

Critical Intel is not tradeable. No one will buy it, no one will sell it.

Critical Intel has 1000 Market value.

Critical Intel should weigh very little.

Critical Intel is a quest reward from Intel-purchased Deserter quests.

Critical Intel is a second currency in the Deserter network. It allows the players to initiate high-profile assassination missions. It can also be used to purchase powerful contraband.

Intel can ‘spoil’, similar to food, and it spoils even outside of the fridge. When you stack intel together, it averages the spoiling time up, similar to how it works with spoiling food.

  • The text on the info tab should say: Intel will go out of date in: <time>
  • Critical Intel should go out of date in 10 days.
  • When intel goes out of date, the top left should print an alert message: X has gone out of date. Consider using up the intel you gather before it goes out of date.
    • X is the amount of intel and type of intel.


There is a large number of new, deserter-related quests available in this mod.

  • These quests can appear naturally at decent commonality ONLY if Empire is permanently hostile.
    • Empire becomes permanently hostile when player joins the ranks of deserters and decides to help them.
  • These quests can be ‘obtained’ from the Deserter Network UI by paying Intel.
  • These quests only provide rewards from a special reward pool.
  • One of reward options from these quests is Intel.
  • One of reward options is reducing the visibility.
  • These quests DO NOT APPEAR at all if the player doesn’t have Empire as Permanently Hostile.

These quests have a new, unique icon in the similar place as the Charity quest icon. When hovered over, the text box states:

This is a deserter quest. It may provide intel on the Shattered Empire, but it may also increase your faction’s visibility.

The icon looks like this:

The icon is present on:

  • All quests that are a part of this mod.


Quests granted by the Deserters (either via purchasing a quest from the Deserter network or occurring naturally) always have three different rewards you can pick. Those rewards are always as follows:

Option 1: Intel worth whatever the quest reward would be worth. Visibility increases by a number based on the reward worth.

Option 2: Rewards from the Special reward pool worth whatever the quest reward would be worth. Visibility increases by a number based on the reward worth.

Option 3: Reducing visibility based on the average worth of the previous two options.

When deciding how much to increase or decrease visibility, below rules apply:

  • Visibility increases by +1 for every 300 silver worth of reward.
    • This means that a reward option with 14 Intel as a reward will also increase visibility by 4.
  • Visibility decrease of -1 is worth 200 silver.
    • This means that if Option 1 and Option 2 rewards on average are worth 1400 silver, Option 3 will have a reward to reduce visibility by 7.


Since our new quests rely heavily on destroying objectives, we need to ensure that the player at all times knows what objectives they are meant to destroy.

Each objective should be highlighted with the Arrow.png, which can be found in the base game files.

The arrow should be centered on the center of the structure, and then offset up quite a bit. It should bop up and down slowly, as well as fade out from 100% visibility to 50% visibility and back again.

Bopping up and down and fade out should be linked, so that visibility is 100% when the arrow is at the lowest point, and as it bops up, visibility fades to 50%, after which the arrow goes back down again.


Each mission below has a unique world quest icon.

When zoomed in, however, each of these missions shares the same icon, as can be seen below:


QuestDescription: The intel we have gathered allowed us to gain insight into the location of a supply depot belonging to [EmpireFactionName]. Supply depots like that are often scattered around imperial settlements and serve as secure stockpiles for the most valuable resources. Keeping these supply depots hidden away discourages any raiders from attacking these settlements.

The compound is guaranteed to contain numerous supply crates. Stealing these items is bound to slow down the Imperial war effort.

It is also possible we will find additional Biosecured crates, which can only be opened by noble-born people.

The supply depot is protected by:


The compound is protected by surveillance pillars. They should not be approached, and instead should be disabled from afar - either by destroying them, or cutting off their power. Once activated, they will greatly increase our visibility.

The objective of this assignment is to open all supply crates in the area. Once that is done, the reward will arrive and we will have to make our escape.

Once we arrive at the compound, we can expect an imperial response if our visibility is high enough. We will only have a limited amount of time to complete the mission.

Empire has set up a small supply depot that the player can raid to retrieve random crates with contraband as well as intel. The location is quite well defended - it’s protected by a number of ground-mounted striker turrets.

Within the compound, player may find between 3 and 10 supply crates. The amount is lerping based on the star level of the quest.

Within the compound, player may also find 1 ‘Biosecured crate’. These crates provide more loot but can only be opened if the pawn has a noble backstory (aka either ImperialRoyal Adult backstory or Child backstory).

The location is also defended by a number of Imperial forces, calculated the same way a normal Item stash quest would.

Location also contains a Surveillance pillar - a special structure that scans the area around itself for enemies, and if it finds them, it increases player Visibility by 10.

The quest is completed once ALL supply crates are opened. Player doesn’t need to open the Biosecured crate to complete the quest. Only normal supply crates.


QuestDescription: Thanks to the intel we have obtained, we now know the location of an aerodrone station belonging to [EmpireFactionName]. These stations recharge and reload powerful aerodrones - autonomous, unmanned aerial vehicles that can bombard targets with powerful missile salvos.

These drones are a threat to everyone who disagrees with the Empire. They need to be destroyed.

We might find some useful supplies scattered around the station. It’s crucial to remember that ammunition stacks and aerodrone batteries are highly volatile, and we might be able to use them to our advantage.

The aerodrone station is protected by:


We have also been informed that the location is protected by a number of ground-mounted striker turrets. Despite the limited range, these turrets can easily reveal our approach and provide covering fire for the imperial army.

The station is protected by surveillance pillars. They should not be approached, and instead should be disabled from afar - either by destroying them, or cutting off their power. Once activated, they will greatly increase our visibility.

The objective of this assignment is to open all supply crates in the area. Once that is done, the reward will arrive and we will have to make our escape.

Once we arrive at the station, we can expect an imperial response if our visibility is high enough. We will only have a limited amount of time to complete the mission.

Empire has set up an aerodrone station in the area to facilitate drone strikes for permit holders. The station consists of a few charging platforms with aerodrones on them, as well as a munitions stockpile. Objective of this mission is rather simple: Destroy all aerodrones.

Conveniently, the location includes munition crates which are highly explosive and actually cause cluster detonations around themselves. Simply dealing enough damage to one of such crates is bound to set off a chain reaction that will take out half the station.

The location is defended by a number of ground-mounted striker turrets in a perimeter.

Aerodrone battery packs, when shot, will emit an EMP pulse that may disable defenses around the station.

Within the compound, player may find between 1 and 4 supply crates. The amount is lerping based on the star level of the quest.

Within the compound, player may also find 1 ‘Biosecured crate’. These crates provide more loot but can only be opened if the pawn has a noble backstory (aka either ImperialRoyal Adult backstory or Child backstory).

The location is also defended by a number of Imperial forces, calculated the same way a normal Item stash quest would.

Location also contains a Surveillance pillar - a special structure that scans the area around itself for enemies, and if it finds them, it increases player Visibility by 10.

The quest is completed once ALL AERODRONES on the map are destroyed.


QuestDescription: We have been informed of a maxpack convoy belonging to [EmpireFactionName] in our vicinity. The convoy had to make an emergency stop, which is a perfect opportunity for us to raid it. Whilst maxpacks will be impervious to any break-in attempts, there is bound to be a lot of other valuables scattered around the trucks.

We need to eliminate everyone in the convoy before they move on.

The convoy is protected by:


During unexpected stops like this, Empire is known to place strike buoys around the temporary camps. These strike buoys will alert the Empire of our location, and will trigger a nearby aerodrone to fire missiles at the buoy location. We should make it out priority to avoid these traps.

The objective of this assignment is to eliminate all enemy personnel in the area. Once that is done, the reward will arrive and we will have to make our escape.

Once we arrive at the convoy location, we can expect an imperial response if our visibility is high enough. We will only have a limited amount of time to complete the mission.

An imperial convoy has been travelling through a location. They had to stop for an unexplained reason, which is a perfect time to strike. This is a simple mission to kill everyone in the convoy.

The convoy consists of a few Imperial Maxpacks, large, armored trucks.

Within the area around the convoy, player may find between 1 and 4 supply crates. The amount is lerping based on the star level of the quest.

The location is also defended by a number of Imperial forces, calculated the same way a normal Item stash quest would.

Location is surrounded with strike buoys - little, 1x1 proximity sensors with a very small radius. When the player gets within the radius of the strike buoys, an aerodrone strike is designated to hit the buoy location.

The quest is completed once ALL ENEMIES on the map are defeated.


QuestDescription: Our intel allowed us to pinpoint the location of a shuttle staging post belonging to [EmpireFactionName]. These staging posts allow shuttles to refuel between destinations. Destroying it will greatly hinder the Empire’s ability to freely travel the planet and resupply their forward bases.

We may be able to trigger a chain detonation of the fuel containers to create havoc and make our job easier.

We might find some useful supplies scattered around the staging post. If we have the time, we should take what we can.

The shuttle staging post is protected by:


We have also been informed that the location is protected by a number of ground-mounted striker turrets. Despite the limited range, these turrets can easily reveal our approach and provide covering fire for the imperial army.

The staging post is protected by surveillance pillars. They should not be approached, and instead should be disabled from afar - either by destroying them, or cutting off their power. Once activated, they will greatly increase our visibility.

The objective of this assignment is to destroy all fuel containers. Once that is done, the reward will arrive and we will have to make our escape.

Once we arrive at the staging post, we can expect an imperial response if our visibility is high enough. We will only have a limited amount of time to complete the mission.

A landing pad with a small utility station. Shuttles stop here to refuel on longer journeys. Eliminating these stations greatly hinders the Empire and their ability to resupply far away bases.

The area consists of a landing station and a landed shuttle. Big fuel containers are located on the far edge of the landing station.

The location is defended by a number of ground-mounted striker turrets in a perimeter.

The location is also defended by a number of Imperial forces, calculated the same way a normal Item stash quest would.

Location also contains a Surveillance pillar - a special structure that scans the area around itself for enemies, and if it finds them, it increases player Visibility by 10.

Within the compound, player may find between 1 and 6 supply crates. The amount is lerping based on the star level of the quest.

The quest is completed once ALL CHEMFUEL CONTAINERS are destroyed.


QuestDescription: The informant network has relayed us the information of a control station belonging to [EmpireFactionName]. These forward-placed outposts survey the area around imperial points of interest and alert them of any imminent threat.

We might find some useful supplies scattered around the staging post. If we have the time, we should take what we can.

The control station is protected by:


We have also been informed that the location is protected by a number of ground-mounted striker turrets. Despite the limited range, these turrets can easily reveal our approach and provide covering fire for the imperial army.

The staging post is protected by a large number of surveillance pillars. They should not be approached, and instead should be disabled from afar - either by destroying them, or cutting off their power. Once activated, they will greatly increase our visibility.

The objective of this assignment is to destroy the surveillance station terminal. Once that is done, the reward will arrive and we will have to make our escape.

Once we arrive at the control station, we can expect an imperial response if our visibility is high enough. We will only have a limited amount of time to complete the mission.

Empire uses forward-placed control stations to survey the area around their settlements and alert them of any imminent threat. This quest has the player try and take out such a control station.

Location also contain several Surveillance pillars - they are a special structure that scans the area around itself for enemies, and if it finds them, it increases player Visibility by 10.

The control station is surrounded by Striker turrets emplacements.

Inside the station is a Surveillance station.

The location is also defended by a number of Imperial forces, calculated the same way a normal Item stash quest would.

Within the compound, player may find between 1 and 3 supply crates. The amount is lerping based on the star level of the quest.

The quest is completed once the SURVEILLANCE STATION is destroyed.


QuestDescription: We have received the news of a techprinter installation belonging to [EmpireFactionName] near our location. Techprinters are a huge environmental hazard, and are used by techfriars to replicate their knowledge on techprints.

Techite discs used in this process are extremely toxic and flammable. We might be able to ignite a stack of these discs and see the inferno unfold.

The techprinter installation is protected by:


Two palintone turrets are located at the installation. They are powerful, anti-infantry weapons firing large-caliber shells at incredible speeds, dealing heavy damage over significant ranges. Their ammo needs to be stored right next to them, and a precise shot might set off a chain explosion.

We have also been informed that the location is protected by a number of ground-mounted striker turrets. Despite the limited range, these turrets can easily reveal our approach and provide covering fire for the imperial army.

Two techfriars are most certainly at the installation. Killing them is not necessary.

The techprinter installation is protected by a number of surveillance pillars. They should not be approached, and instead should be disabled from afar - either by destroying them, or cutting off their power. Once activated, they will greatly increase our visibility.

The objective of this assignment is to destroy the techprinters by any means necessary. Once that is done, the reward will arrive and we will have to make our escape.

Once we arrive at the installation, we can expect an imperial response if our visibility is high enough. We will only have a limited amount of time to complete the mission.

Empire has set up a techprinter outpost now far from the player. Techprinters cannot be placed inside imperial settlements due to how volatile Techite discs are. Techite discs are used to create techprints within this outpost. Player is tasked with destroying the techprinters, which can be easily achieved by igniting the techite disc crates.

Location contains several Surveillance pillars - they are a special structure that scans the area around itself for enemies, and if it finds them, it increases player Visibility by 10.

Location is defended by a number of powerful turrets - 2 Palintone turrets are present.

Location has 4 big techprinters located in a walled-off area.

Location has 8 Techite Disc stacks in the area.

The location is also defended by a number of Imperial forces, calculated the same way a normal Item stash quest would.

The location also has 2 techfriars present.

Within the compound, player may find between 2 and 5 supply crates. The amount is lerping based on the star level of the quest.

The quest is completed once ALL the TECHPRINTERS are destroyed.


QuestDescription: Our intel suggests that [EmpireFactionName] has an underfarm complex near our location. Underfarms provide imperial settlements with a steady supply of food. Destroying this underfarm complex is bound to cause unrest in the lower ranks, as food becomes scarce.

The location features huge swathes of empty terrain with no cover in sight. We should think how we want to approach this.

The underfarm complex is protected by:


A kontarion turret is located at the installation. It’s a powerful, long-range weapon used by the Empire to take out enemy targets from afar. Kontarion turret fires ultra-dense uranium slugs at incredible speeds, penetrating even the heaviest armor. Its ammo needs to be stored right next to it, and a precise shot might set off a chain explosion.

The underfarm complex is protected by a number of surveillance pillars. They should not be approached, and instead should be disabled from afar - either by destroying them, or cutting off their power. Once activated, they will greatly increase our visibility.

The objective of this assignment is to destroy the water mains that supply the underfarms. Once that is done, the reward will arrive and we will have to make our escape.

Once we arrive at the complex, we can expect an imperial response if our visibility is high enough. We will only have a limited amount of time to complete the mission.

A mission where the player raids an imperial underfarm in order to destroy the water mains, disabling the farm. The farm is heavily defended, and has many exposed lines of sight which makes deserters an easy target for the large turrets and security force.

Location contains several Surveillance pillars - they are a special structure that scans the area around itself for enemies, and if it finds them, it increases player Visibility by 10.

Location is defended by a powerful, centrally located Kontarion turret.

Location has numerous Imperial Underfarms set up in a grid formation.

Location has 4 Water mains.

The location is also defended by a number of Imperial forces, calculated the same way a normal Item stash quest would.

Within the compound, player may find between 3 and 5 supply crates. The amount is lerping based on the star level of the quest.

The quest is completed once all Water Mains are destroyed.

Next up I will post all the new music pieces we had made for this mod. Let me know what you guys and gals think so far!



This mod looks as beautiful and engaging as the Empire mod. You're way too good to us. I am curious: Will there be quests to target the Imperial slavery system? I feel like that's their major bad-guy energy, and it would jive so well with the Emancipation ideology for story and possibly for recruits.


Hey Oskar, are you planning on patching out the buildable mechs from VFE Mechanoids due to the content overlap with Biotech? I can’t come up with a way myself of mantaining some of the original mechs without somewhat betraying the concept of expanding on vanilla, but maybe just implementing them into the gestator regardless?


No such plans, it's not overlap. The droids you make in VFE Mechanoids (please focus on the name Droids) are industrial-tier, stupid machines that consume a lot of power, are slow and inefficient, and are made from basic, human-made components, not gestated like ultratech mechanoids in Biotech. I think you're looking at it wrong. It's not overlap, it's natural technological progression. I knew about Biotech when designing the droids.


With the Deserters' Scottish vibe, could the name Sgian or Skene be used to name something? It's that dagger which all Scottish men traditionally wear on their leg. Since Deserters are all "cloak &amp; DAGGER" I think it would be cool. Haha! the storyteller could be called "Dirk MacSgian."