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Hey folks and welcome to the first Typical Tuesday Suggestions thread since Biotech DLC came out!

How do you guys enjoy the new DLC? I think it's really cool, I had a chance to work on it with Ludeon Studios, and making artworks for it was a blast! I think I had the most fun making the gene icons - some were very tricky, for example the Unstoppable one.

I know these typical tuesday suggestions threads don't appear as often as they probably should, but that's because I'm extremely busy working on cool new content. We have many huge mods in the pipelines now, and I also work hard on finding time for my personal life - I am planning a big move and a wedding, or at least trying to!

So, now that we have this out of the way, please, tell me what you think we should expand on in the Biotech DLC. What mechanics do you think could use extra content? What mechanics would you like to change completely?

I really need your input here. Sure, I played the DLC myself, but my opinion is just one of many. I'd like to hear more.



Well I'm still hoping for more potent drugs keyed to those drug genes (e.g. stronger combat drugs for hussars) and other stuff that only works (or works easier) for pawns with certain genes like e.g. the 'big' gene also counting as an exoskeleton for heavy weapons. More mechanoid stuff also seems like a no-brainer. E.g. Mech armor/weapons/equipment that takes bandwidth (or probably more realistically 'creates less' since it is an alternative to gear that creates it). Ways to upgrade mechanoids ('mechanoid implants') would also be nice. Would love the flavor to go more borg style flesh-machine integration bodyhorror (since they already take human minds to create): Implants that turns a pawn into a mech (commanded like a mech, takes bandwidth). Implants that take bandwidth to function. And instead of simply more efficient 'antennas', make an implant that makes 'bioprocessors', brain implants with lower consciousness, cause pain and mood penalty.., but give bandwidth to a mechanitor. Might also be fun to make it possible to 'borgify' the mechanitor themselves and maybe even make it into a victory condition to make them into a SoS2 archotech spore style 'hive mind node' to take control of (part of) the machine hive?


Right now, pollution as a mechanic is conceptually cool, but feels tacked on as a way to balance mechanitors (despite there being no less than four other balancing points for mechanitors, but whatever). Vanilla Pollution Expanded would be much welcomed by me.