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Hey guys and gals and welcome to the last development blog before I go on holidays. My flight is in 6 hours, and I will be back in about 5 days, so don't fear, I will be back before you know it.

I won't leave you empty handed though! Whilst I'm not quite ready to discuss Tier 3 vehicles with you just yet, I can explain to you how you will obtain them.

Tier 3 Vehicles are specific upgrades to Tier 2 vehicles, in a sense that they are not only better, but also excel in a specific function. You will not find a Tier 3 car, or a Tier 3 truck. Instead, you might find a Tier 3 supercar, or a Tier 3 big rig. Essentially, when Tier 2 vehicles are 'generally good' at everything, Tier 3 vehicles are 'excellent' in one particular thing.

Tier 3 vehicles are not craftable. You cannot research them, and you cannot build them. You need to restore them from ancient wrecks.

That's right. We are forcing few broken down Tier 3 wrecks to spawn on any tile that contains Ancient Highway or Ancient road. If you want to get them, you have to venture out into the world and find them. Any tile you settle on that's on one of these two types of roads will have a few of those wrecks on them.

Once you find a wreck, you can select it and press a special new gizmo:

Restore wreck turns a ruined structure into a 'frame', just like a normal building frame when your pawns start delivering resources to a blueprint.

You need to deliver A LOT of resources and vehicle parts to a wreck in order to restore it, but once that's done, and the work is completed, you will have a brand new Tier 3 vehicle right in front of you.

As I said, I don't quite want to disclose what Tier 3 vehicles we have planned, but you can take a look at some of the wrecks you can restore!

That's it for now! Let me know what you think and what Tier 3 vehicles you suspect we are adding. I will catch you all when I'm back!

See ya!


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