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Hey folks and welcome to a brand new mod development blog!

This time I would like to talk to you about a brand new vehicle coming to Vanilla Vehicles Expanded, a tier 1 scrappy APC called The Highwayman!

The Highwayman, as I already mentioned, is a Tier 1 vehicle. This means that it's very expensive to run fuel-wise (proper gas-guzzler this one), and it doesn't sport a great armor, however it's cheap to produce and can be unlocked quite early in the research tree - all you need is the Basic Vehicles technology.

Unlike Roadkill, a tier 1 tank that can only fit one pawn inside, Highwayman tries hard to live up to the APC name and allows you to fit a grand total of three pawns inside - a driver, a gunner and a passenger.

Of course Tier 2 and Tier 3 APC are much better in every regard, including crew capacity, but the Highwayman does the trick when you need it to.

It has a twin-linked miniturret operated by the gunner, which is able to provide devastating bursts of 4 projectiles in quick successions. The vehicle itself has a weak spot on the back - this is where the engine and the chemfuel tank are, so you most definitely want to keep the highwayman facing forward, towards the enemy.

Vanilla Vehicles Expanded will be entering beta testing today. It's not long now before we release it! Keep an eye out!


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