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Hey folks! Welcome to another development blog focused on Genetic Rim... um, I mean Vanilla Genetics Expanded!

Today I would like to expand on what we covered in the previous development blog - particularly what happens when the player creates the growth cell, as well as what other operations can be done with this new, huge mod.


Electrowombs are vat-like machines that simulate the womb of an animal and can adjust their temperature, humidity and the likes based on the type of growth cell inside. They allow growth cells to develop into actual hybrids. Electrowombs come in two sizes, depending on the size of the hybrid you might need to use the larger electrowomb.

It’s at the electrowomb stage that the mod determines whether the growth cell spawns a Failure or not, based on the ingredients of the Growth Cell, as well as whether it spawns the intended hybrid or flips the result.

Please note: Hybrids have a special tag that determines whether they require a large electrowomb. If you insert a growth cell into a small electrowomb, and the game selects a hybrid that would normally require a large electrowomb, it spawns a failure outcome instead!

Example: You create a growth cell using Chicken as primary genome and Wolf as secondary genome. The Chickenwolf has the highest chance of being the outcome, so you put it in a small growth cell (because Chickenwolf is small). Unfortunately, the game decided that the genomes should flip, and it grows a Wolfchicken instead. Because it’s a small electrowomb, Wolfchicken won’t fit, and as such, the game spawns an Abberrant Fleshbeast instead.

Electrowombs are described below:



Electrowomb is a small, 1x1 structure that allows a Growthcell to grow into an animal hybrid. The moment the growthcell is inserted into an electrowomb, electrowomb displays the outcome hybrid with a very small drawsize, that over time grows to a desired adult size of the animal.

Electrowomb should be locked behind the Genetic Creation research project.

Work driver falls under the ‘Genetics’ work priority category.

This structure has a progress bar on the bottom, underneath the vat tank.

This structure cannot be rotated and always faces the same direction. The hybrids in it always face south.

Electrowomb should require 60 steel, 2 advanced components and 10 neutroamine to make.

Dimensions: 1x1. Can be interacted with from any side.

If the player right-clicks a growth cell with a pawn anywhere on the map, an option to Insert into an Electrowomb should appear which when selected, will have that pawn insert the growthcell into the closest electrowomb.



Large Electrowomb is a large, 2x2 structure that allows a Growthcell to grow into an animal hybrid. The moment the growthcell is inserted into an electrowomb, electrowomb displays the outcome hybrid with a very small drawsize, that over time grows to a desired adult size of the animal.

Large electrowomb supports growing bigger hybrids.

Electrowomb should be locked behind the Genetic Creation research project.

Work driver falls under the ‘Genetics’ work priority category.

This structure has a progress bar on the bottom, underneath the vat tank.

This structure cannot be rotated and always faces the same direction. The hybrids in it always face south.

Large Electrowomb should require 120 steel, 4 advanced components and 20 neutroamine to make.

Dimensions: 2x2. Can be interacted with from any side.

If the player right-clicks a growth cell with a pawn anywhere on the map, an option to Insert into a large Electrowomb should appear which when selected, will have that pawn insert the growthcell into the closest large electrowomb.


Players can construct a Genome recombinator to mix various unused genetic material into alternatives.



This machine uses an item processor code. It’s loaded with animals of any kind. Once enough genomes are loaded, players can extract a new item called ‘Template genome’.

It should have a visible progress bar that gets filled. Once it reaches 100%, it resets to 0 and a Template Genome appears.

This same workbench allows for a bills menu, where players can duplicate a genome that they have using the new template genome. Such a recipe requires that specific genome plus the template genome, and yields two of that specific genome.

Genome recombinator should be locked behind the Genetic Duplication research project.

Genome recombinator should require 140 steel, 6 advanced components and 60 gold to make.

Dimensions: 3x2 with an interaction cell in the middle of the longer edge.

Work drivers fall under the ‘Genetics’ work priority category.

Bill: Duplicate Ursine genome
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: Ursine genome, Template genome.
Result: 2x Ursine genome
Description: Duplicate the genome using a blank template.



Market value: 400
Description: “Text-todo.”

Template genome is an empty payload of genetic connections that can be imprinted by any other genome. It then duplicates the similar DNA relations and essentially clones the genome. It’s created on the Genome Recombinator by inserting a 100 kg worth of animals into the Genome Recombinator (any surplus of mass is wasted).


If the Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids mod is found, Warrior, Drone and Royal genomes can also be duplicated in the same manner, using the Template genomes.


Players can construct a brand new workbench (that’s similar to Mechanoid Tinkering Table) that allows them to construct various types of boosters, as well as craft other items that perhaps might be required by this mod.



This table is a workbench, 5x2 in size. It has a bills menu that allows players to, well, do bills. It is used to primarily create boosters, but other apparatus that’s a part of this mod will also be craftable here.

Genome recombinator should be locked behind the Genetic Creation research project.

Genetics Tinkering Table should require 210 steel, 6 components and 6 advanced components to make.

Dimensions: 5x2 with an interaction cell in the middle.

Work drivers fall under the ‘Genetics’ work priority category.

Bill: Craft Immunobooster
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 1 neutroamine, 5 steel.
Result: 1x Immunobooster
Description: Craft an immunobooster.

Bill: Craft 5x Immunobooster
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 5 neutroamine, 10 steel.
Result: 5x Immunobooster
Description: Craft immunoboosters in bulk.

Bill: Craft Harmonobooster
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 1 chemfuel, 5 steel.
Result: 1x Harmonobooster
Description: Craft a harmonobooster.

Bill: Craft 5x Harmonobooster
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 5 chemfuel, 10 steel.
Result: 5x Harmonobooster
Description: Craft harmonoboosters in bulk.

Bill: Craft Tempobooster
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 1 insect jelly, 5 steel.
Result: 1x Tempobooster
Description: Craft a tempobooster.

Bill: Craft 5x Tempobooster
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 5 insect jelly, 10 steel.
Result: 5x Tempobooster
Description: Craft tempoboosters in bulk.

Bill: Craft Fertility Unblocker
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 1 medicine, 5 steel.
Result: 1x Fertility Unblocker
Description: Craft a fertility unblocker.

Bill: Craft 5x Fertility Unblocker
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 5 medicine, 10 steel.
Result: 5x Fertility Unblocker
Description: Craft fertility unblockers in bulk.

Bill: Craft Stabilizator
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 1 Immunobooster, 1 Harmonobooster.
Result: 1x Stabilizator
Description: Craft a stabilizators.

Bill: Craft 5x Stabilizators
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 5 Immunobooster, 5 Harmonobooster.
Result: 5x Stabilizator
Description: Craft stabilizators in bulk.

Bill: Craft Controller
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 1 Advanced Component.
Result: 1x Controller
Description: Craft a controller.

Bill: Craft 5x Controllers
Skill Used: Intellectual skill.
Requires: 5 Advanced Component
Result: 5x Controller
Description: Craft controllers in bulk.


Market value: 20
Description: “Text-todo.”

Immunobooster is a basic booster that increases the safety of the genetic experiment by 5 points.


Market value: 12
Description: “Text-todo.”

Harmonobooster increases the stability of your experiment by 5 points.


Market value: 18
Description: “Text-todo.”
How much shorter is the process: 25%

Tempobooster speeds up the process of creation of a growth cell.


Market value: 28
Description: “Text-todo.”
Animals can be impregnated by another animal of the exact same species/can impregnate.

The Fertility Unblocker allows animals to reproduce without the need of growing new hybrids in electrowombs.


Market value: 32
Description: “Text-todo.”
How much longer is the process: 50%

Stabilizator increases safety and stability of the process drastically, but also increases the length of it.


Market value: 220
Description: “Text-todo.”
Animals can be drafted and directly controlled.

Controller implants the hybrid with a special module that allows the animal to be drafted and directly ordered around.


Since hybrids are divided into three separate tiers, a traditional Genome Extractor bench simply isn’t enough to obtain Tier 2 or Tier 3 genomes.

Tier 2 genomes are:

  • Human
  • Insectoid
  • Reptile

Tier 3 genomes are:

  • Colossal

In order to extract genomes of a human, insectoid or reptile, a player needs to craft a special item.



Genome Excavator is a belt-worn utility item with no visible worn graphic. It unlocks a special gizmo that allows it to be used on ANY hybrid of tier 1 or 2. When you select the Excavate Genome gizmo, you pick a creature within 2 tiles around the user.

A satisfying ‘Thump’ sound plays and the creature’s brain is destroyed, dropping the genome on the ground next to it.

Genome Excavator should be locked behind the Genetic Alteration research project.

It should require 40 steel and 1 component to make.

It is a single use item that disappears upon being used.



Archotech Genome Excavator is a belt-worn utility item with no visible worn graphic. It unlocks a special gizmo that allows it to be used on ANY hybrid of tier 1, 2 or even 3. When you select the Excavate Genome gizmo, you pick a creature within 2 tiles around the user.

A satisfying ‘Thump’ sound plays and the creature’s brain is destroyed, dropping the genome on the ground next to it.

Archotech Genome Excavator is not craftable and can only be found in abandoned lab complexes.

It has 3 charges before it is destroyed.


A new quest is a part of this mod. It takes the player to an ancient laboratory, where some experiment has gone wrong. Player will face against manhunting hybrids and explore dark, gloomy lab looking for equipment, genoframes, genome and even Archocentipede Project fragments.


This quest takes the player to a pre-exported location that looks like a large laboratory, where something has gone wrong.

Laboratory will be littered with debris as well as ‘Ancient’ variants of the new machines we’re adding in this mod. For example, Ancient Genomorpher, Ancient electrowomb etc. Those can’t be uninstalled and no longer work - can only be destroyed.

Some of the equipment in the lab, however, should still be operational. Player can also find Archocentipede Project structures, such as the DNA Storage Banks, Archocentipede Former and Archowombs. Those can all be uninstalled and taken back to the base.

The lab should also have different genoframes, genomes, boosters etc littered around the place.

The lab is defended by a small number of completely random hybrids, all manhunting. They can be literally any hybrid - from small Chickencats to huge Thrumbears.


There is a small number of ancient variations to all the structures we’re adding in this mod - this will allow us to come up with unique abandoned lab designs that the player ventures to as part of the quest.

These are no longer functional and can only be deconstructed for parts.



An ancient, no longer functioning genomorpher.



An ancient, broken down electrowomb. All the fluid has already dried up.



A very ancient large electrowomb with cracked glass around it.



A very ancient tissue grinder, broken down.



An old, damaged, destroyed genome extractor.



A very old and minging genome recombinator.



A broken down, old genetics tinkering table.



A 1x1 small ancient battery, placed around the ancient cryofreezer units. It can’t be uninstalled or picked up. It has the same capacity as a normal battery, and always starts off fully charged.



A 3x3 freezer block that does not expel heat, but instead releases arctic-cool air all around itself. We’re talking -100 or -200 degrees temperature. It’s risky walking into such a room with a freezer like this, but any genomes that survived the test of time will be in such a room.


This mod has a number of unique failure outcomes tied to the percentage chance of the failed outcome. These failure outcomes are explained below:


Is a guaranteed failure outcome if failure chance is between 1% and 5%.

“Something went terribly wrong. This wretched creature is struggling to keep breathing. Whilst it doesn’t pose any real threat and it seems quite friendly, it requires a tremendous amount of love and attention for it to find the strength to live another day.”

Fleshling is a small, fleshy critter that looks a lot like a human baby without any skin. It’s not an excellent combat creature, nor is it a farm animal. It does however nuzzle, and it can nuzzle quite a lot. The problem is, if it goes 24 hours without nuzzling, it melts into a puddle of blood and disappears.


Is a guaranteed failure outcome if failure chance is between 6% and 10%.

“Something went terribly wrong. This wretched creature is struggling to keep breathing. Whilst it doesn’t pose any threat and will slowly bleed to death, attacking it can trigger its self-defense instincts.”

These creatures are essentially useless, with a very short lifespan, and they'll constantly lose their blood and create a mess. You could poke it with sticks and laugh at it, but the best course of action is just to put the poor critter out of its misery. It has however a 50% chance to go manhunter if attacked.


Is a guaranteed failure outcome if failure chance is between 11% and 15%.

“Something went terribly wrong. This wretched creature is struggling to keep breathing. It’s rabid, and the moment it crawled out of the vat it started to look for the next unfortunate living being to destroy. It can and should be slain as soon as possible, as each additional kill only prolongs its life.”

A large, fleshy beast that spawns copious amounts of blood wherever it goes. It’s manhunter. It’s evil. It comes out of the tank and wants to murder everyone. It dies after 12 hours since emergence, but every time it kills (and oh boy it can kill) it resets the timer.


Is a guaranteed failure outcome if failure chance is between 16% and above.

“Something went terribly wrong. A huge and weird growth has spawned within the electrowomb, breaking it completely and spreading all around. This growth is a hatchery for small flies that can devour any living creature to the bone. It seems to be sensitive to daylight, but no one knows how far it can spread at night.”

The Electrowomb breaks and between 5 and 10 patches of Flesh Growth appear where it was, spread on the floors. Flesh Growth is a sentient structure that duplicates itself and spreads, but only on tiles that are below 50% lit. It spreads VERY, VERY FAST, to the point where during one night, a whole building can get absolutely covered by it. It should have a few random graphics we can use.

Flesh growth cannot be deconstructed but needs to be attacked to be destroyed. It’s flammable, so a molotov can generally clean it nicely… and everything else in the room. Every few hours, it spawns a swarm of Fleshflies, described below.

When flesh growth first spawns, it destroys any light sources in the nearby vicinity (around 5 radius).


A swarm that spawns on Flesh growth.

“A swarm of small, deadly flies. Almost impossible to hit using rudimentary weapons, the ideal way of dealing with fleshflies is by using fire, to which they are highly susceptible.”

A swarm of tiny insects that appear as a single ‘animal’ ingame. Should have a custom body with hundreds of flies in it. It moves very slowly, and has almost no damage, but attacks very, very fast. It should be very difficult to hit - and the best way to deal with them is by using fire. They should be highly flammable.

That's about it for now. We're working relentlessly to get the mod out to you guys as soon as possible. There is just so much in it we still have to cover!

Let me know how it's looking so far. Do you have what it takes to be a mad scientist?

Take care you lot!



I noticed you said that this flesh growth spreads fast. How fast are we talking? Like what if an eclipse just so happens to hit when you crack open the lab? I'm intrigued. This would be an extremely interesting world mechanic for a region-consuming entity if it got too big could threaten the whole planet. I know that's way out of scope, but it definitely feels like something that would happen in a genetic horror story.

Kuru Chilion

Will there be integration with animals from other VE mods? Such as the wolfhound or gigalocust. Since I saw dino hybrids are planned for arkology.


Cool stuff, I wonder how it will work with the various animal and science themed Ideology stuff


looks fucking awesome. i love that the breeding pills look like viagra


Will it be viable to take the manhunting hybrids from the abandoned vault back to base?


You won't be able to. Manhunting means manhunting. It will always revert to wanting to kill you and eat you.


Well wolfhound will yield canine genome, gigalocust will yield insectoid genome. All VE animals of any kind will yield some kind of genome!


Are insectoid hybrids planned by the way ? Oh god this mod sounds so exciting.


If I were to mix human and some animal and the priority genome was human, would they be sentient enough to recruit or more animalistic?


Human, insect and reptile are level 2 hybrids and as such they can only be primary genome - what I mean is, there isn’t two different creatures for for example Human-Rat and Rat-Human.


Oh interesting so higher tier genomes take precedence then. I'm excited to see how that works. Does this mean colossal will always be primary?


Will the paragon animals be returning? I loved making paragon chickens and pigs for paragon breakfasts.


Are there 2 different creatures for human-lizard and lizard-human though? Since both of them are level 2 genomes.


So from what I’m understanding if 2 level 2 genomes are combined there won’t be a primary genome? It will just have the option for 1 hybrid type.


I am not quite sure yet how we will tackle it, I think there will be 'importantER' (sic!) genomes. For example, human could always be 'secondary' (since if human was primary I'd expect a different race of a humanoid pawn, and we're not doing that). I guess we will figure it out.


Will there be content for ideology like memes and precepts? I am just wondering if I should start a run already and add genetics to it later or wait until it releases if it has ideology content.


There will be, but you should be able to add it by editing your ideology. Don’t let this mod stop you from playing, it’s still quite far away!