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What's up guys and ladies. Welcome to Day four of our Three days of Pirates series. I know. Confusing. Slightly less confusing than Tenet but definitely more confusing than Inception.

If you missed the previous posts, you can check out Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 by clicking the links!

Let's do it!

Day Four:


A new starting scenario is introduced in this mod.


Summary: A group of pirates, crash landing in the middle of nowhere. A classic VFE - Pirates experience.

Description: As the ship entered the lower orbit, something struck the hull with tremendous force. Not sure if it was the AI-core miscalculation, a terrible accident or a targeted strike, you quickly realized it doesn’t matter. You ordered your crew to get in the escape pods, but not everyone managed to get out of cryptosleep in time. The ship split into numerous chunks as it quickly descended onto the surface, and the only thing you could have done is hit the Eject button on the emergency drop pod. Perhaps some things can still be recovered from the wreckage.

Note: Since you start crash landing and with no supplies other than what you can scavenge, this is a difficult scenario.

This scenario utilizes the new Arrival method: Low Orbit crash

You start with:

A completely random animal (could be any animal in the game)
1 charge rifle
2 autopistols
8 survival meals
80 gold
4 people (selected out of 6)

You pick 3 people from 6, everyone is a new pawnKind called Pirate, belonging to the New Cove player faction. They can spawn with random implants and same apparel as Pirate Gunner in the vanilla pirate faction. One of these pawns comes crashing down in a locked cryptosleep casket and needs to be extracted.


Low orbit crash is a new arrival method that is in a way a mix between Crashlanding and Gauntlet raid. The drop pods arrive alongside several random ship chunks from the list below, but not from the top of the screen but from the left side. They slowly fly towards the place where they crash.

Spaceship chunks that fly in with you emit smoke as they fall. Once they hit the ground, they cause small explosions underneath them, potentially damaging the chunks as well.


1 of each following ship chunks crashes down with you in this scenario, in random places around the arrival zone.

6x Ship Chunk Debris


2x2, simple debris. Can be deconstructed.

Yields: 65 Steel, 3 Components

Ship Chunk Battery


2x2 battery that cannot be recharged. Comes fully charged with 20.000 W of energy. Can be deconstructed.

Yields: 40 Steel, 5 Components

Ship Chunk Cryptosleep casket


2x2 cryptosleep module that can be ‘opened’ to release another colonist. Can be then deconstructed.

Yields: 35 Steel, 2 Components

Ship Chunk Volatile engine


2x2 Engine that plays the ‘Tornado’ sustainer at increasing volume. It also glows red at increasing volume. After 6 hours, the sound and the glow are at a peak, and then it explodes with a 12 radius explosion. Can be deconstructed.

Yields: 40 Steel, 2 Components

Ship Chunk Fuel tank


2x2 tank of chemfuel. Every 5 seconds it spawns a chemfuel puddle filth around itself on the tiles with no chemfuel puddles, which means the radius gets bigger and bigger. It stops spawning new chemfuel puddles after it spawned 40 chemfuel puddles. Can be deconstructed.

Yields: 20 Steel, 120 Chemfuel.

Ship Chunk Gauntlet turret


3x3 Gauntlet turret, same as the ones spawning on the Gauntlet ship. It requires 100 W of power to work. It cannot be reloaded, so when it shoots all the shots, it’s gone. Can be deconstructed.

Yields: 80 Steel, 3 Components, 4 Advanced components

Ship Medical crate


2x2 crate with medical supplies. Can be deconstructed.

Yields: 10 Steel, 12 Medicine.

Ship Nutrient paste crate


2x2 crate with nutrient paste. Can be deconstructed.

Yields: 10 Steel, 36 Nutrient paste meals.

Ship Chunk Reactor


2x2 reactor that produces 1700W of power without using any fuel. Can be deconstructed.

Yields: 60 Steel, 4 Components, 4 Advanced Components.


This mod introduces a new storyteller called Casper Cursed. He comes with a unique Curse mechanic, inspired by Cursed Crew, a game by me, Phil and Roolo!


Casper has been travelling the known space for years. He is cursed, and the best way to lift off a curse is to share it with others. He will reward you the more curses you take upon yourself.

Casper Cursed is code-wise a copy of Randy Random, but with a unique Curse mechanic explained below.


Curses are a new modifier to the game. When player changes to Casper Cursed storyteller mid-playthrough, or when the player starts off the game with Casper storyteller, a special UI opens up that allows the player to select modifiers in their game. The more curses player selects, the bigger MaxThreatBigIntervalDays become, and the higher desiredPopulationMax becomes.

This means that the more curses you slap onto your game, the lower the chances of big threats coming, and the more pawns you will be able to realistically have before the Storyteller kills all the 'new pawn' events.

Following is the UI that appears when you start the game with the Casper storyteller. This UI can also be accessed by going into mod options.

Curses alter game mechanics and multiply different stats or apply unique effects. We need to make sure the system works in a way that allows us to enable and disable these modifiers without the need to restart the game.

It’s important to know that if you change the storyteller to another one, Curses will cease to work until you change back into Casper Cursed storyteller.

Curses are outlined below:

Curse of Steel

All damage in the game is doubled.

Curse of Greed

All mineable resources yield gold instead of what they would normally yield.

Curse of the Stabbed

All Melee attack cooldowns are halved.

Curse of Pestilence

Immunity gain speed is halved.

Curse of Fire

Rain no longer triggers when the map burns.

Curse of Confetti

Killing a pawn spawns a confetti mote and a birthday Yay! Sound.

Curse of the Boomalopes

Every animal explodes upon death.

Curse of the Blind

You don’t see any letters when events happen. They still show up in the History tab.

Curse of the Beaten

Can’t tend wounds without medicine.

Curse of the Armored

Weapon penetration halved.

Curse of Aging

Pawns age at 10x the speed.

Curse of Bandana

All weapon cooldown reduced by 90%

Curse of Darkness

Darkness intensified. Any tile with 0% light is pitch black.

Curse of the Eye Patch

Ranged accuracy halved.

Curse of Gluttony.

Hunger drops at twice the speed.

Curse of Infestation

Infestations are twice as big.

Curse of Instakill

Whenever a pawn would be downed, they die.

Curse of Mind

All mood thoughts doubled.

That's it for this devblog. Tomorrow's one will be quite a big announcement so keep an eye out for that!



I’m not gonna lie, I like big announcements!


Absolutely love this, I think curses are going to be a great addition to the game that can really change up the game. Really reminds me of the Halo skulls, which were always fun to play with.


Never thought I'd see Halo skulls mechanic in Rimworld ! Great work as always !


Are the changes global? If both you and enemies did double damage, this could be a fun alternative to Igor if people want the double damage mechanic without constant raids.


You're getting better and better with the art man

Lyn the Cookie

This might be a fairly small faction mod compared to the other ones but goddamn if it's not one of the coolest so far!


Curse of darkness and curse of blindness both look super cool. Will there be a way to enable curses without casper as story teller (not for any kind of reward ofc)? I may actually just want to play with a few if these in all my games, particularly curse if aging since age related problems are hardly ever something you have to handle.


No, sorry, this mechanic is tied to Casper. It wouldn’t be hard to swap xml of him to Cassandra if you’re not used to Randy random though!


Since Curses can only be applied in a playthrough by selecting Casper (or through mod settings) do the Curses get deactivated if you select Casper, select Curses and then change storyteller?


So the idea is that you select curses permanently? It feels like it'd be cool to get new curses as an event, and force the player to adapt, and perhaps have curses go away as an event too. Players can do that using the mod settings, but that does make it external to the game play.


No no, not permanently. You can turn them off whenever you want. We intentionally don’t want to make them random, as an event. It’s players choice which ones they want. They are, in a way, handicap modifiers, and player should be able to pick their handicap.