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Hey guys!

In todays typical tuesday suggestions I'd like to know what is your favourite playstyle, and what you think is missing from the game!

How do you play? What do you value? What do you think would improve the way you play?



I play it like a god game with a ton of "rng". I do though download other mods which let me edit the other factions names, types, and starting locations, and create a map so I can put the game in line with my own setting (within the lines of vanilla, lore friendly definitely) Just that little bit more of control of the beginning makes a massive difference to me.

Brandon Pollastri

I'm definitly something of a mountian base isolationist. But a great addition I think would be more elaborate traps. Something like in Dungeon Keeper, Dungeon Defenders or Orcs must die. Traps like: spike traps, floor blades, Tesla towers, boulder traps, flame vents, slime pits, net sling etc etc. These could vary in one shot or reloadable lethal traps or permanent traps that mildly hurt or temporarily incapacitate invaders. Perfect for the temple trap room or corridor of death enthusiasts.


I tend to RP various game universes (Mostly GFL) and try to make my mod list fit the universe I'm trying to emulate. Playstyle wise, no killboxes, open field tactics and urban warfare when necessary. Addition wise maybe some expansion into the Gauss weapnry. I mainly stick to Industrial weapons since I hate hearing “pew pew” noises from supposedly high caliber weapons. But there is no part of magnetic acceleration weaponry that is uncool.


I'd like to see a Vanilla Expanded take on a "Xenohumans - Anthromorph" style mod.


I love the vanilla brewing expanded mod, but rice Sake is the only drink missing! I'd love to see sake added so my samurai colony could be thematically complete :P


I like playing with low threat, find it gives a much better story than either we rely on a killbox or we had to abandon the settlement. Having tense fights in the crops fields or through the alleys with equal power levels is a much more enjoyable experience. Do feel like that game is too heavily based around killboxes for the main part


I'm not sure if this is 100% relevant to the questions in the post, but I was really hoping to see something similar to the Vanilla Events Framework where you can toggle the frequency of or the events all together, but for quests. There's so many quests added by all the Vanilla Expanded Mods, and I may want to use these mods for things like Viking Tech, but don't ever want to see an Ancient Viking Burial Site taking up a quest opportunity in one of my playthroughs. Any ability to control what kind of quests we receive aside from alltogether disabling entire mods would be a god send, and hope it's feasible since Vanilla Events Expanded has that already going, even with other mods adding unique events like Alpha Animals.


I like to roleplay with customized starting characters that are really strong or have a consistent background and role. Most of the time I gravitate toward mountain, spacious bases that are heavily defended and make large rooms for specific equipment (like one room dedicated to Machining or Smithing, one dedicated to Mechanoids, a large lab) and kind of roleplaying (I make Cryptosleep tombs in case things go wrong, or Ultratech labs). I really like defending bases and I feel sad that the camps I raid are disappointing boxes and have no secrets, no intricacy in them. Going out to the world feels a bit boring compared to my base, and I wish there was more complexity to the outside. For my defense I don't use killboxes exactly, and rather have layers of defenses, so I'd have a few sandbags and turrets, then a layer of embrasures and heavier turrets, and in last resort my bases are often heavily protected at the entrances and have a few defensive checkpoints that act as emergency chokepoints if there's an air raid or infestation. A few things that would improve my playstyle would be giving me a better outworld (I like Ancient Complexes from Ideology for that reason, even though they are lacking of what I wish, they're much more interesting than raider bases). Another thing is having ultratech/spacer level research. For that, Rim-Effect and the Ultratech items from VE and Helixien's series do fill that niche a bit though. I like lab mods and am looking forward to Genetics Expanded. And another are better raiders, and quests I wish sometimes my enemies had commandos that were trying to get something I need to protect, or something/someone important. The whole raiding system feels a bit stale when it's just scaled off wealth and goal-less. The only ones I enjoy a lot are upgraded mechanoids as it pushes me out of the base and pose a threat that forces me to utilize all my layers of defenses.


I completely agree. One of the most frustrating things about Rimworld to me (while it is at most a minor inconvenience) is the frequency at which quests are given when you want to do specific playthroughs. For example if I wanted to do a playthrough of just vikings I would not want any high-tech quests from other mods or vice versa


The two things that I would really like to see would be more interesting bases to raid, and an ability to tailor what quests you see if at all. One of the things which I found really frustrating in my last playthrough (ideology with the night accuracy bonus) was that I had 5 soldiers with miniguns that could quite easily defeat any base they wandered into, which seemed somewhat off to me. I really wish these bases were at least a little more complex / difficult to raid.


Yeah and the problem is just going to get worse with VFE additions that add essential tech and features, but add even more quests as part of the package as well. Vikings is a great example for me because the only thing the quests do that is unique to them is the crypto armor which can be easily ignored. I've spent a lot of time with VFE Vikings on, but have never used the crypto gear outisde of maybe the odd weapon provided by traders. Many of my blue notifications could have been occupied with other quests that gave definitive rewards or were more pertinent to what I was aiming with to the colony. It also doesn't help that all of Vanilla Expanded Mods are absolute must haves :X Not complaining though.


Oh and sorry to bloat this thread, but if you see this Oskar, what happened to the mod that added unique variants of regular weapons that were named and had different appearances and effects? Should be this post from ages ago: https://www.patreon.com/posts/typical-tuesday-32255547 Curious, not frustrated. Totally understand when things get put on a backburner or scrapped. Just always curious about the creative process.


idea; when a caravan or raid or whatever appears, and you get a notice that there's someone related to one of your pawns, i always wonder "why isn't there some kind of follow-on interaction when these pawns see each other?", i mean who knows what their backstory is, or if they were on good or bad terms, or when they last saw each-other; i always felt there should be some kind of decision that needs to occur like, my pawn decides to leave, or their relative wants to join, or they fight, or nothing, they ask for money, tell us about another relative, or garner further peace/hate with the faction they're a member of; or they decide to leave for a couple days and come back later, or the relative starts visiting more often; or my pawn just decides to spend the day with them while they're in town and not do any work; etc.


i've never finished a game and i've logged over 5000 hours. gets to the point where i'm so caught up in expanding the base, researching, fighting of raids, and trying to manage everyones mood, etc; i get to a the point where i feel that i need to start over with a slightly different approach; i've gotten very good at starting a new base and advancing to mid-late game, but I always seem to neglect some aspects of the game; or not use the tech that i've researched because i got distracted /forgotten about it; a reminder/advisor or metrics or something may help keep me focused on the end goal (oh, and maybe a place where i can set what my goal is, this game offers so much variety, it's hard stay on course; the achievements mod gives some direction)