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Hello and welcome everyone to quite an important Typical Tuesday Suggestions thread.

I am looking for new content ideas to spice up our Medieval mod. Please remember I am NOT looking for big overhauls, we don't want to make a brand new mod or spend 2 months working on new content, I am simply looking for some small interesting additions to VFE - Medieval before we release it for 1.3.

The ideas can range from new quests, new structures or pawn types all the way to new plants, technologies etc.

Please do not request a 'Royalty-like medieval rank progression'. That will most likely not come. ;)

3, 2, 1 go!



Maybe some sort of heraldry customizer for shields/banners? You could use a layered system like Vikings' face paint.


Gruel pot, kinda like nutrient paste but at a lower tech level


Similar to how VFE - Vikings has all the medieval - neolithic tech and then the ultratech cryptobleed armor, it would be cool to have some super high tech things for the medieval runs maybe just from quest rewards. Maybe some sort of super high tech crossbow or super high tech plate armor

Leo Durocher

A 'damsel in distress' quest. Friendly pawn of another faction has been captured, they kingdom wants you to go rescue them and then drop them off at one of their outposts. Kind of like VFE - Frontier bounties, but a rescue mission.


- A medieval "holy grail" quest that yields an item that's basically a mech healer serum just like the actual holy grail was thought to do. - Arc-otech of the Covenant, a quest that yields an archotech eraser or some other single use devastating weapon.


Waterwheels and windmills to feed mechanichal power to flywheels, which in turn can feed trip hammers, billows, etc. They might not be as effective as electric assistance, but they are better than just manual production. Peasant Revolt events. either help a bunch of peasants armed with clubs and pitchforks fight a few armored knights, or help the knights slaughter the peasants. Tower Shields. very heavy and slow, and inhibit offensive ability, but provides excellent defense and the archer behind you can safely fire over your shoulder. Quicklime Bombs. jars filled with quicklime shatter on impact, and the quicklime blinds enemies and causes pain.


Flower Crowns. Simple suggestion but it'd be neat for social pawns.


Could you add resource dependent apparel, weapons or furniture (i.e., how the Jarl's crown from the Viking's expansion requires Lothurr antlers). Maybe an enchanted sword made with a Thrumbo horn or animal-themed cloaks made from the corpse of a lion or bear the have the animal's head as part of the armor.


Now that breach raids are a thing, medieval pickaxe-er pawnkind, with a heavy pickaxe or a prospecting tool of some sort.


Maybe... jousting? Requiring Giddy-Up!, most likely. And adding in some lances and other horse combat?


I'd love to see stuff like this filling the role of power armour or the crypto crossbows more than high "lowtech" solutions like the crypto crossbows.