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Hello and welcome everybody, Oskar Potocki here, Project Lead on Vanilla Expanded mod series.

Before we begin I recommend you open up this large infographic in full screen mode and read it carefully. If you can't be bothered, I will outline what's written in it below.

As we know, RimWorld 1.3 and RimWorld: Ideology has been announced. This means that everyone is running around like headless chickens - modders, because they need to suddenly update all their mods, and mod users, because their mod lists are once again bamboozled.

Fear not however. We are hard at work on updating to 1.3, and in fact the most difficult and important mod - Vanilla Expanded Framework - is already 1.3 compatible.

To be fair on everyone, the initial order of priority is based on popularity of mods. The mods with the highest amount of subscribers will be updated with highest priority, while the mods that are not-so-popular will be left for last. I believe this will minimize disruption and I am incredibly sorry if your favourite mod is lower on the priority list.

There is a few exceptions to the updating order - certain mods will require either huge amount of bugfixing, or are a perfect opportunity for new content addition - as such, we plan to take our time with these mods and they are being updated separately to the entire list. These mods are as follows:

VFE - Medieval
VFE - Settlers
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
VFE - Insectoid
VFE - Vikings
VFE - Mechanoid
VSE - Oskar Obnoxious
VAE - Endangered and Recently Extinct.

I would love to give you all a time estimate but I simply cannot. I can lie to you though: All mods will be updated by the end of the month.

Mods that are not part of the Vanilla Expanded mod series (Rim-Effect, Witcher: Monster Hunt, Race to the Rim) will be updated with the lowest priority.

I can also confirm that we already began work on updating over 40 different mods, and each of them are in different stages of completion. We will not release public updates to Steam yet, but once a bigger batch is ready and tested, I will reupload this infographic with mods ticked out, so keep an eye out for that.




Looks good. FYI, the Mechnoid faction graphic is incorrectly labelled as Vikings. Edit: How on Earth is Social Expanded near the bottom? Surprising.


Ahh well too late now, I will fix it for the next update! Thanks for noticing. And yeah Social Expanded is a pretty new mod, so it didn't yet get the same following.


End of the month for everything to be 1.3 compatible? That's pretty bold of a time estimate! Looking forward to both the 1.3 update and Ideology.


Yeah, but I would've thought with the fact it's basically an improved psychology mod it'd receive more traction.


"I can lie to you though: All mods will be updated by the end of the month.". We'll see if that holds up XD


hey quick question what about mods like the apex weapons and the Witcher mod will they get updated to 1.3 (I know they are not vanilla expanded but will they be after all the vanilla expanded are updated)


,,Mods that are not part of the Vanilla Expanded mod series (Rim-Effect, Witcher: Monster Hunt, Race to the Rim) will be updated with the lowest priority." Quoted from above.


Guess I'll take a pause from playing. It's simply a disaster to play without most of those fantastic mods.

Dan Gragert

Going to be a tall order, but looking forward to it when its all in place! Should be about "that" time again to get lost in a rimworld colony when its all done! :D


Thanks for the update - and congrats on all of the hype from the new expansion, which you're helping to make happen!


I'm so hyped!!