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What's up guys, it's time we finish the Vanilla Animals Expanded series with the last and final biome we haven't covered yet - Temperate, the most popular one.

Temperate biome already has a large number of animals so I am not looking to make it a massive module, no, instead I am looking to add maybe 3 or 4 new animals to it, something to breathe new life into it.

Animals that currently spawn in temperate biome:

Hare, Squirrel, Rat, Deer, Wild boar, Turkey, Raccoon, Ibex, Muffalo, Alpaca, Boomalope, Boomrat, Tortoise, Gazelle, Megasloth, Rhinoceros, Grizzly bear, Timber wolf, Red fox, Cougar, Lynx, Warg

What animals would you see spawning in temperate biome to compliment this set?
Vote on the ones you'd see added! You can vote on more than one, but bear in mind I will only select the top picks!



I definitely need a horde of Red Pandas.


Make it so the goose can randomly open doors and drag things out of your stockpile to random locations. It's a lovely morning in the Rim, and you are a horrible goose.


Should also make them have a 100% manhunter chance when attacked or on failed tame. Geese don't give a _fuck_ they will fuck you all the way up xD


100% manhunter chance on even designating them to be hunted/tamed. "Wild goose didn't like your ill intention and decided to go manhunter".


Would love to see the Weasel mass murder all rats on the map, or be trainable to hunt all such vermin.


Bow down to the HONK

Leo Durocher

One time a photographer buddy of mine was trying to capture some images of geese babies, the mother was trying to bite him so he slapped it across the bill. From then on he had their respect and they'd let him approach the nest, but would still keep an eye on him.


This is too hard man :/ I want all of them made in your beautiful art.


Important question is, what type of badger? European or American?


Well, honey badgers would make good attack animals but european ones are way cuter so...I'd vote for the european badger.


Super idea! I wait for it :) It would be great, if some animals (wild goose or badgers or hedgehogs) will spawn also in Boreal forest. And in my opinion a lot of animals of similar family (squirrel = gray squirrel, cougar or lynx = wildcat) overload the game.