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Hello everyone and welcome to today's typical tuesday suggestions!

I would like to hear your ideas about a mod that's way off in the future, but definitely on the agenda, considering I help make the framework for it...


What vehicles would you like to see in RimWorld and how would you make them work?

 This TTS thread will be used from 01/09/2020 to 08/09/2020. 



But otherwiss, motorcycles for swift, less obstrusive transit would be no-brainer. Maybe even an camoflauge APC or humvee of sort that could lower your caravans ability to be seen. Snow mobiles for crossing mountains or transit in winter could also come in useful.


Bicycles. Simpler to craft, but able to be modified with things like baskets for additional carrying capacity. Important note is that they should be able to be ridden in the world to increase movement speed and carrying capacity. Obviously, things with engines and whatnot(cars, motorcycles, etc.) would be cool but the bicycle is most efficient means of travel that is powered entirely from the human body. It's the most common concept and should definitely be included. Unique things that others might not be saying: Canoes and kayaks! Make them work with the fishing mod you guys build. Farm equipment that can automatically harvest when driving over fully grown crops. Joy vehicles: Pogo stick and unicycle. While someone is using these, let others stand and watch to increase joy and social. Caravan specific vehicles like a VW van. Integrate with SYR's Set Up Camp so you can "unpack" into basic functioning butcher table/wood fueled stove(with slower work speed than normal tables), bed, storage capacity. Other small things like radio(Joy), board games(compatible with CP's Joy objects maybe?), water tub(Dub's Hygiene), table and 2 chairs . Maybe allow for technological upgrades like satellite receiver antenna(comms station and TV).


A baseline tank - pretty standard, and a Spacer tank with a railgun. Humvee or some APC that's less armored, has a autocannon, but is much faster than a tank. I don't know if aircraft falls under this category, but some late-game alternative to the cargo pod which is maybe returnable, or at least carries more. Also, a usable Royalty Shuttle that is expensive to make, maybe runs on uranium, but is returnable and carries a good amount of cargo. :) Maybe some archotech vehicle? Or a mechanoid tank which can be retrofitted to be driveable?


a factions expanded focused on mechanoids would be nice.


Motorcycles would be cool. Bikes as a medieval equivalent. Maybe a truck that can haul cargo?


Non-Combat Vehicles: Combine - Harvests/Plants crops quickly at the cost of Chemfuel/Electricity. Gathers produce to an internal inventory and then can be dropped in a sort of silo facility where it can be stored and retrieved. Excavator - Mines large areas quickly, doubles as a mobile deep mining platform when researched. Provides light and a small amount of chemfuel provided power when deployed as a deep mining platform. Exploration Core - Large, 6 wheeled vehicle capable of carrying large amounts of weight, either in pawns, creatures, cargo, or a new form of caravan item called Modules. Modules are brought with in a caravan and when the Exploration Core caravan reaches its destination, it can deploy, allowing any contained modules to also be deployed. This allows for rapid setup of bases for various purposes (bring Siege modules for mortars on the fly, Medical module for a field hospital, etc). Deployment is quick, however it takes time to pack everything back up for travel once more. Modules should be extremely heavy or otherwise restricted to prevent their use in non-vehicle caravans.


Though I'm guessing the mod's intended for industrial colonies, it'd be nice to include tribal/medieval stuff too. Large animals could draw wagons or chariots, small ones could draw sleds, etc. Chariots could have an in-built Scorpion or mini-ballista to separate them from civilian transports. As well as general attack vehicles, industrial raiders and colonies could use armoured troop transports to safely deliver lots of pawns directly into a fight. If it's destroyed though the occupants are all killed or seriously wounded. Maybe have a Spacer variant which deploys a broadshield as well? Fanatics/Slaves with a car bomb? Industrial/Spacer factions could have hovercraft that can ignore terrain penalties and pass over deep water at the cost of reduced durability compared to conventional vehicles. Bit niche though so maybe not worth it? It'd be nice if industrial+ vehicles could be really hard to make and were involved in events somehow. Like maybe you get told about a vehicle wreck you could salvage if you're quick enough, but it could be boobytrapped or another faction could be trying to run off with it when you arrive. This sounds exciting! Sorry for the long list but I'm just throwing out stuff and seeing if anything sticks.


Spacebot from Aliens, while not technically a vehicle, a large exoskeleton like that for a single pawn that could possibly increase hauling loads significantly for spacer level faction.


Chariots would go really well with the planned Neolithic/Roman themed mod they're working on!


Honestly I'd love to see "Mech" themed vehicles. Perhaps easier to implement since they could be donned like armour. Menial worker pawns could climb into "Aliens" style Exo-suits, making them able to haul large amounts of material. Variants or modular parts could be used to include excavation exo-suits with drills, and/or an armored variant for tanking and line-breaking. All would be vulnerable to EMP, naturally- perhaps even more so than mechanoids due to their simpler design. Could even include a "tiberian sun" style "wolverine" exo armed with inaccurate but high suppression machine guns or bunker-busting flamethrowers. The obvious utility of the suits could be offset by high chemfuel consumption, making them reliant on a dedicated chemfuel industry for regular use. Suits would also require regular skilled maintenance. Just imagine a mercenary raid that used armoured exo-suits to tank through killboxes or dig around defenses! It would emphasize the need for uranium slugs or other dedicated anti-armour weapons, making humanoid raids more dynamic. For a nasty cyberpunk twist, highest-tier combat exo suits could be operable only by pawns who installed a risky neuro-plug and sacrificed both arms and legs, XCOM 2 style. This would allow a direct interface with the machine for graceful movement and aiming, giving their pilots incredible battlefield presence - even if they do spend their down time largely in cryptosleep pods.


I really like the modular idea! Having an upgradable "Mobile HQ" vehicle would be great alternative to static bases for caravan playthroughs.


Please make the Dragon Ball Z high gravity chamber that flies through space and transport you to Namek to arrive at the last minute and save your son and his friends.


Others have mentioned this, but a large part of the audience plays with a tribal start (or soon viking / roman...) Although vehicles are great, they're obviously more helpful for moving on a large scale. I think you need to start looking at the world map more seriously. Maybe integrate or create a mod like RimRoads; vehicles are useless without roads after all. I can imagine 3 types of vehicles. Load transport, mobility vehicles and military vehicles. Load transport: carts, modern trucks, and maybe an archotech truck (hovertruck?) Mobility: horse carriage, bicycle, car, quad bike, APC type Military: chariot type, Tank, archotech vehicle


I've always felt that there aren't enough ways to fight fire in the base game. Either you have pawns fight it, you get a large amount of firefoam poppers or you use the extinguisher in one of your add ons. So I was thinking of another way to fight fires that is a bit more automatic. Which brings me around to my suggestion of some sort of firefoam turret. Instead of placing a large amount of poppers you could just put 1-2 in each room to fight any fire automatically.