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Hello and welcome everyone, to another Viking infographics post, this time going indepth into the unique weapons and armors viking faction will use.

Please note these are all craftable, so you can absolutely have your own viking clan, or just craft them out of plasteel and use them on your spacer space-marine colony! The beauty of modding this game is that all of this content can be just as well used in every scenario you can think of!

I hope you will appreciate the new weapons and the niche they fill - whilst not as capable against armored enemies, these weapons have a chance to do a temporary stun, which is extremely effective against opponents with long warm-up time.

In the next development diary we will focus on new events and quests, trust me, there is quite a lot of those!

Thank you everyone for reading and rest assured, Vikings will be released this month! 



Just wondering Oskar, Is there a reason the Guardian Armor for Insulation cold is measured in centigrade while the others are in percentages?


I used to be an adventurer like you...then I took an arrow to the knee


Also can I just say the moose and bear headdresses are amazing


We ageed very early on a limit of 3 Skyrin references, and no horned helmets!


Other armors are made out of leather. Lets take a look at ravager armor. Cold insulation is 106%. This means that the armor will insulate from cold at 106% of the leather insulation value - for example muffalo leather is 46 degrees insulation, meaning muffalo leather ravager armor will insulate around 48 degrees. Guardian armor is made out of metal. Metal insulation is 1 degree. That's why we override this mechanic and just give it a flat insulation so your vikings dont freeze to death when wearing this armor.


Didn’t see the crypto shield but I’m sure it’ll slip in, love the work so far and can’t wait for it!


Nice! all its missing is laser axes and and charge bows for the full space viking experience


Dude, Awesome


Pretty happy about the torch belt. It's tough early on to set stuff on fire intentionally.


How many things did you include on this? Is insane! I love it xd


You might wanna try "Ignite" mod. It lets you ignite stuff in a same way raiders do, but just like them, you must approach object close up to do so. Still leaves torch belts a use as they can be thrown.