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Hey everyone!

We listened to your feedback on the testing server, where everyone requested soups to be made medieval or even neolithic tech, as soups were cooked from very early days of our civilisation.

Whilst this is technically truth, from game perspective soup cooking mechanic is a huge luxury - it's essentially auto-cooking, which means you leave it on the pot and your chef can spend time he would normally spend cooking doing other things, like crafting, working on securing the base etc.

We decided to keep soups as Industrial tech because at this point your colony most likely WON'T be ruined if your chef isn't around. That means auto-cooking won't make much of a difference balance wise.

However if we allowed poor neolithic tribes, struggling to cope, to auto-cook 20 meals at the same time, suddenly balance shifts.

But, hey, as I said, we listened to feedback - and decided to make a brand new module for the Cooking mod called Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews.



''Hey any way this could be cooked on a campfire so that us Tribal starters have fun too?'' Then instead of adding just an animation, you just go and create a new module for it to make sure there's no imbalance. F'in A++. Keep up the awesomeness!!


No gourmet stews?